Data for Student Success Using Classroom Data to Monitor Student Progress “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional.


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Presentation transcript:

Data for Student Success Using Classroom Data to Monitor Student Progress “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based dynamic inquiries for school improvement.”

Investigating Module: Using Classroom Data to Monitor Student Progress Professional Development Resources to support Inquiry tool to support

Module: Using Classroom Data to Monitor Student Progress –Outcomes –Agendas –Worksheets –Tutorial –Power points Adjust workshop resources based on audience

Assessing Progress What data source will provide the information needed to monitor? –Long-term data – information gathered annually –Medium-term data – gathered systematically at periodic intervals –Short-term data – information collected daily or weekly from students’ work/responses

What do teachers need to know to assess for learning? Using the previous protocol – Retelling –What do teachers need to know about the concepts and skills? –What do students need to know about the content? What do students need to be able to do to be proficient? –Need to begin with the end in mind

Activity Objectives This activity is designed to provide a process to unwrap a standard, benchmark or GLCE. This activity will enable schools to determine what students will need to know and be able to do in a concise format.

What is the process? How do we unwrap the standards or GLCE? Based on the work of Larry Ainsworth, “Unwrapping” the Standards: A Simple Process to Make Standards Manageable

Process Determine the Standard to be assessed –Determine any related indicators Learning outcomes Underline important nouns (concepts) and circle verbs (skills) Create a graphic organizer –List concepts – What do students need to know? Nouns or noun phrases

Process continued –List skills – What do students need to be able to do? Verbs Attach the skill to the target –Topic or context – What vehicle will the information be provided through? –Big Ideas Understandings – abstract concepts –Essential Questions Higher level thinking skills

“Unwrapping” Retelling Resource book – Section 5 Content Standard 1: All children will read and comprehend general and technical material. –Early elementary benchmark 3: Employ multiple strategies to construct meaning, including word recognition skills, context clues, retelling, predicting, and generating questions

“Unwrapping” the GLCE R.CM Retell in sequence the story elements of grade-level narrative text and major idea(s) and relevant details of grade-level informational text.

“Unwrapping” continued Model of the process - GLCE –Determined concepts and skills –Determined what students need to know –Determined what students need to be able to do –Determined the topic or context – how will this be delivered –Big Ideas –Essential questions

GLCE Unwrapping What does this GLCE ask our students to know and be able to do? Do we have an assessment in place to measure the progress? Does this assessment have predictive value? Where is it taught in the curriculum?

Digging Deep into School Data at the Student Level What are the student centered learning issues? Let’s find out. Tool: Comparative Item Analysis

What is our data telling us?

Second Year in a Three Year Trend

What have we discovered?

Background - Released Item 56 MEAP results indicate students learning issues with application of learning in constructing graphs Released Item 56 – constructed response from grade 6 Math MEAP –D.RE – Data and Probability

Confronting the Instructional Issue in Item 56 MEAP released item GLCE and how it is assessed – Grade 6 Start with the end in mind – how assessed –Complete the problem –“Unwrap”/unpack the GLCE Circle the verb – skill – Students able to do… Underline the noun and/or noun phrases – concepts – Students need to know… –Template provided Concepts and Skills

Data Driven Instructional Decisions The Teaching and Learning Cycle ©1999 by Richard C. Owen Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without publisher’s permission.

We used a process of “unwrapping” a GLCE to determine content and skills students need to know and be able to do. UNWRAPPING PRIORITIZE UNWRAPPING

Accessing the Comparative Item Analysis This activity is designed to continue the data mining process to the level of strand and GLCE. This activity allows for schools to discover strengths and challenges at the strand and GLCE level. 22


Accessing the Comparative Item Analysis Resource book – Section 5 –Procedure Using the template provided, record Grade Level Content Expectations for math –Determine strand to explore –Record strand –Determine GLCE with 10% or more below state average –Record GLCE on template Prioritize GLCE of challenge 24

Data 4SS Demo Site -> “Dynamic Inquiries” Link -> “Access the Dynamic Inquiry Tool” Username: demo_test1 Password: fall_01 25

Questions Process? Procedure? Template? 26

School – Data Dig Use same process Complete data dig with your team Discuss findings with table group 27

Navigation Process Login Select Inquiries – Comparative Item Analysis Select Inquiry Settings - tab Select ISD –Select District –Select School –Select Grade Level –Select Subject –Select School Year View Results 28

Instructional Monitoring Using the Comparative Item Analysis tool –Same school as used previously Which GLCE did your school perform the lowest in? –Is this GLCE weighted heavily – more items assessed?

Monitoring Plan ELA/Math Monitoring Plan –Grade level specific –If “unwrapping” process complete –Scaffold for monitoring – concepts and skills –Can be used after data conference after objectives are set for student learning –Used for accountability –Provide the vehicle for data discussions

Documenting the Work Agenda – specific outcome, results achieved, next steps, person responsible Team Learning Log – scaffold to address the work to be done in grade level teams – data used, common assessment, instructional solution, short-term results, adjustments to instruction

Application to our LEAs What do administrators and leadership teams need to know and be able to do as a result of this module? Where are your LEAs in this first step of data analysis? Think about what you will need to put in place to support them.