EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES Strategic Objectives Strategies Time frame FY 2010/2011 FY 2011/2012 FY 2012/2013 FY 2013/2014 FY 2014/2015 Strategic Objective (Goal) No. 1 Rationalise the mandate of CASSOA in line with the dynamics in the aviation industry and enhanced economic integration in the region. 1. Review the institutional framework of CASSOA Study the need to rationalise the mandate of CASSOA and financing options ,800 Develop and achieve consensus on the need for the new mandate of CASSOA , Develop appropriate institution documentation for approval by the relevant institutions of EAC , Review of the funding mechanism for CASSOA Implement pro-rata contributions to CASSOA by the Partner States , Total Strategic Objective (Goal) No. 1 19,300 53, ,600 - EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES
EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES Strategic Objectives StrategiesTime frame FY 2010/201 1 FY 2011/201 2 FY 2012/20 13 FY 2013/2 014 FY 2014/2 015 Strategic Objective (Goal) No. 2 Build an effective and sustainable civil aviation oversight system in the region. 3 Promote the development of appropriate primary aviation legislation by Partner States in line with the Chicago Convention Facilitate legal experts to identify and consolidate areas that need to be reviewed in the respective national legislations ,000 Work with relevant institutions in Partner States to effect legal and regulatory reforms , Harmonise civil aviation regulations and guidance materials within the region Facilitate the harmonisation and formulation of regulations ,600 52,600 Develop and harmonise technical guidance materials ,000 52,600 Develop a common position for response on proposed ICAO standards ,200 EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES
EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES Strategi c Objecti ves StrategiesTime frame FY 2010/2011 FY 2011/2012 FY 2012/2013 FY 2013/2014 FY 2014/ Develop adequate capacity to carry out oversigh t function s Maintain and manage an inventory of all technical skills available in the region , Develop and implement a plan for improving technical skills in aviation oversight functions , , , ,700 Attract and retain appropriate skills for the oversight functions ,165,513 1,835,255 2,290,165 2,400,849 2,431,530 Maintain and manage an inventory of tools, equipment and facilities necessary for carrying out effective oversight functions , , , , ,381 Provide appropriate office facilities , , ,000 35,500 6 Monitor the status of impleme ntation of regulatio ns Evaluate the status of safety and security in Partner States , ,800 Facilitate Partner States to comply with the implementation of regulations , ,700 82,600 Establish a common personnel licensing examination system in the region including exam bank and support capacity building for its management ,000 58,800 8,800 58,800 Total Strategic Objective (Goal) No. 2 2,118,692 3,416,885 3,671,695 3,508,379 3,588,711 EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES
EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES Strategi c Objecti ves StrategiesTime frame FY 2010/2011 FY 2011/2012 FY 2012/2013 FY 2013/2014 FY 2014/ Develop adequate capacity to carry out oversigh t function s Maintain and manage an inventory of all technical skills available in the region , Develop and implement a plan for improving technical skills in aviation oversight functions , , , ,700 Attract and retain appropriate skills for the oversight functions ,165,513 1,835,255 2,290,165 2,400,849 2,431,530 Maintain and manage an inventory of tools, equipment and facilities necessary for carrying out effective oversight functions , , , , ,381 Provide appropriate office facilities , , ,000 35,500 6 Monitor the status of impleme ntation of regulatio ns Evaluate the status of safety and security in Partner States , ,800 Facilitate Partner States to comply with the implementation of regulations , ,700 82,600 Establish a common personnel licensing examination system in the region including exam bank and support capacity building for its management ,000 58,800 8,800 58,800 Total Strategic Objective (Goal) No. 2 2,118,692 3,416,885 3,671,695 3,508,379 3,588,711 EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES
EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES Strategic Objectives Strategies Time frame FY 2010/201 1 FY 2011/201 2 FY 2012/201 3 FY 2013/20 14 FY 2014/ Implement Safety Management Systems (SMS) in the region Facilitate the development of the Regional and State Safety Programs (RSP and SSP) ,400 35,200 8,800 - Facilitate service providers (through Partner States) to comply with SMS regulations ,400 14, Establish integrated reporting systems to collect, collate, analyse, maintain and share safety data/informatio n in the region Establish reporting systems for maintaining safety and security data/information , Maintain data on safety and security occurrences, incidents and accidents in the region ,000 13,800 Maintain data on safety and security inspection work tracking ,000 Total Strategic Objective (Goal) No ,800 70,400 44,000 35,200 TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATES 2,526,792 3,541,085 3,715,695 3,571,979 3,623,911 EAC CASSOA FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN BUDGETARY ESTIMATES