Mr. Ran Mitra Vice President Intelligent Networks Division New Ways to Generate Profit in a Real-Time Billing Environment
2 Context of this presentation Comverse is recognized by analysts as one of the major providers of prepaid service worldwide Systems are deployed in all network types, with all major switch types, and using all major IN standards Rapid evolution to a real-time billing platform, offering real-time billing for all services to all subscribers A pioneer in the delivery of converged billing solutions around the world
3 Goals of this presentation To assess the current state of billing for services Today’s bipolar approach The trend towards convergence To identify new ways to generate profit through the use of real-time billing of all services to all subscribers Reduced costs Increased revenues Uniquely real-time benefits To address specific cost and risk issues in today’s converging market Impact of roaming Impact of data services
4 A Bipolar Billing Market Traditional post-paid systems Offer sophisticated billing options Maintain close relationship with end-users Require much effort and time to make changes Traditional prepaid systems Offer real-time usage and credit control Require little effort and time to make changes Details of end-users are often missing
5 The Trend Towards Convergence Goals of Convergence Combining the best of prepaid and post-paid Unified billing systems and processes Consistent Customer Care Reduce cost of CC, provisioning, etc.. Consistent marketing programs Ways to achieve Convergence Limited integration, especially Customer Care Speed up the billing process for some services/ subscribers to approximate real time Change the overall billing paradigm – a real time billing system
6 Comverse’ View of Convergence Real-time Billing of All Services to All Subscribers Authorize all service requests in real-time Rate and charge for services in real-time Monitor usage and enforce a credit limit in real-time Collect and distribute account usage information in real-time Off-line Billing Support for All Subscribers Unified and consistent Customer Care Comprehensive Customer Relationship Management Traditional billing cycle and payment collection Reconciliation of charges between operators and content providers Working together….
7 Changing Billing Paradigms PrepaidPostpaid Real-Time Non Real-Time
8 Improving Profit – Cost Savings Losses due to bad debt Every subscriber is a credit risk Losses are exacerbated by roaming and data services Consider the banking and credit card industries Losses due to revenue leakage Not every service that is delivered is billed to the subscriber “More revenue is lost each year as a result of revenue leakage than is spent annually on billing system.” Costs due to duplicate systems and processes Two systems and processes Two marketing programs Two plans for introducing new services Address the following….
9 Time Service Value and Complexity Basic Voice Services Value-Added Voice M-Commerce Greater Risk: Credit Loss Leakage Value-Added Data Services Increased Risk over Time
10 For emerging data services and the associated higher ARPU: Managing Credit Risk Debit card: individual can spend only the balance in their bank account Credit card: can spend up to a predefined limit Both cards can be used to purchase all goods & services Consider an analogy: Prepaid account = debit card Post-paid account = credit card Real-time authorization and credit limits must apply to both types of account
11 Switch Billing System Incomplete customer records Records too late Fraud Debt write-off Bill generation & collection Delayed payment Bill Collection Corrupted CDRS Failure to create records Records lost Sent to error file Reducing the Extent of Leakage Real Potential Savings: Reducing leakage (2%) Reducing bad debt (2%) Automated billing (1%) Real-time Billing
12 Improving Profit – Increased Revenue Increased billing flexibility Introducing new services without excessive time and cost Changing service packages dynamically New ways of charging for emerging services Increased billing openness Real-time access to account information The potential for dynamic marketing programs Increased personalization Accurate account information allows greater self-care Selecting a tariff plan from several alternatives Customizing behavior based on personal information
13 Examples of Dynamic Marketing Reacting to a ring-tone purchase Send SMS to congratulate the buyer Send an MMS that trailers a music video Offer 25% discount, valid until midnight Capitalize on impulse buying Informing of a potential bonus Offer free local calls when threshold is reached Inform the user, in real-time, that threshold is 10 minutes away Stimulate additional calling
14 The Power of Promotions Introduce a new product Free initial use of the service Free use of service in return for reaching calling threshold Free local calls, SMS or ring-tone when first using service Stimulate additional usage Establish a series of thresholds and bonuses Bonus based on combination of thresholds Thresholds that are time-dependent
15 Award credit and notify based on payment, usage, or periodic fee Allowance of free calls for a monthly fee $20 fee 120 anytime minutes, 2400 weekend minutes MegaBytes $50 Anytime DataAnytime CallsWeekend CallsSMSCore Balance $100 Currency 5 10 Minutes Messages Allowance of MO-SMS when account is recharged $50 recharge applied 10 short messages Allowance of mobile data as a usage bonus After 60 minutes of international calls, 2 free MB of data An Example of Promotions
16 Real-time Billing is a Challenge ‘Real-time’ must be part of the fabric of the system Cannot be “bolted on” to a batch system Affects all aspects of the system ‘Real-time’ is technically challenging Requires a database ‘write’ for every transactions Processing millions of service requests every hour Response time must be in fractions of a second Hot billing or near real-time is a poor substitute Limits opportunities for dynamic marketing Account information may not be up-to-date Cannot inform of bonuses during service delivery Credit risks and revenue leakage remain
17 Conclusions There are two ways to improve profitability Reduce costs Increase revenues Real-time billing offers both Reduce bad debt and revenue leakage Offer new services rapidly Stimulate additional usage Hot billing or near real-time is a poor substitute “Get it now” vs. “Get it soon”
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