Adventures in Thermochemistry James S. Chickos * Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Missouri-St. Louis Louis MO Eads Bridge
Based on the behavior observed in the melting temperatures of homologous series, we wondered how boiling temperatures varied as a function of size?
The plot of the boiling temperatures of the n-alkanes as a function of the number of repeat units. Number of repeat units, n TBTB Question: How do the boiling temperatures of the n-alkanes vary as a function of the number of repeat units?
Modeling boiling temperature Exponential functions have previously been used to model the behavior observed for the n-alkanes. 1. Kreglewski, A.; Zwolinski, B. J. J. Phys. Chem , Partington, J. An Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry, Vol II, Properties of Liquids, Longmans, Green Co.: N. Y., 1949, p 301. Is there any basis for expecting the boiling temperature of an infinite alkane to be finite? M = molecular weight; , b = constants 1 T B = 138 C 1/2 ; C = number of carbons 2
A plot of l g H m (T B ) versus l g S m (T B ) at T = T B for the following: n-alkanes (C 3 to C 20 ): circles, n-alkylcyclopentanes (C 7 to C 21 ): triangles, n-alkylcyclohexanes (C 8 to C 24 ): squares. l g S m (T B ) / J mol -1 K -1 l g H m (T B ) / J mol -1
If the relationship between l g H m (T B ) and l g S m (T B ) can be expressed in the form of an equation of a straight line: l g H m (T B ) = m l g S m (T B ) + C (1) Since at the boiling temperature, l g G m (T B ) = 0; l g S m (T B ) = l g H m (T B )/T B Therefore l g H m (T B ) = m l g H m (T B )/ T B +C Solving for T B : T B = m l g H m (T B )/( l g H m (T B ) - C) (2) This is an equation of a hyperbola As l g H m (T B ) ; T B m
The Correlation Equations Obtained by Plotting l g H m (T B ) Versus l g S m (T B ) n-alkanes l g H m (T B ) = ( 22.6) l g S m (T B ) – ( 350); r 2 = n 1-alkenes l g H m (T B ) = ( 109.7) l g S m (T B ) – ( 951); r 2 = n-alkylbenzenes l g H m (T B ) = ( 37.3) l g S m (T B ) – ( 296); r 2 = n-alkylcyclopentanes l g H m (T B ) = ( 97.4) l g S m (T B ) – ( 926); r 2 = n-alkylcyclohexanes l g H m (T B ) = ( 87.3) l g S m (T B ) – ( 999); r 2 = n-alkanethiols l g H m (T B ) = ( 162.6) l g S m (T B ) – ( 1728); r 2 = T B ( ) ~ 3000 K
If T B approaches 3000 K in an ascending hyperbolic fashion, then a plot of 1/[1 – T B /T B ( )] versus n, the number of repeat units, should result in a straight line.
squares: phenylalkanes hexagons: alkylcyclopentanes circles: n-alkanes triangles: 1-alkenes A plot of 1/[1- T B /T B ( )] versus the number of methylene groups using a value of T B ( ) = 3000 K.
Use of T B ( ) = 3000 K did not result in straight lines as expected. Therefore: T B ( ) was treated as a variable and allowed to vary in 5 K increments until the best straight line was obtained by using a non-linear least squares program resulting in the following.
squares: phenylalkanes hexagons: alkylcyclopentanes circles: n-alkanes triangles: 1-alkenes 1/[1- T B /T B ( )] = aN + b
The Results Obtained by Treating T B of a Series of Homologous Compounds as Function of the Number of Repeat Units, N, and Allowing T B ( ) to Vary; a Bm, b Bm : Values of a B and b B Obtained by Using the Mean Value of T B ( ) = 1217 K Polyethylene Series T B ( )/K a B b B /K a Bm b Bm /K data points n-alkanes methyl-n-alkanes alkenes n-alkylcyclopentanes n-alkylcyclohexanes n-alkylbenzenes amino-n-alkanes chloro-n-alkanes bromo-n-alkanes fluoro-n-alkanes hydroxy-n-alkanes hydroxy-n-alkanes n-alkanals alkanones Using T B ( ) avg = 1217 K
Polyethylene Series T B ( )/K a B b B /K a Bm b Bm /K data points n-alkane-1-thiols n-dialkyl disulfides n-alkylnitriles n-alkanoic acids methyl n-alkanoates Mean Value of T B ( ) = (1217 246) K The results for T B ( ) for polyethylene are remarkably constant considering the use of data with finite values of n to evaluate T B (n) for n ( ). These results are also in good agreement with the values reported previously for the n-alkanes by Kreglewski and Zwolinski (T B ( ) = 1078 K), Somayajulu (T B ( ) = 1021 K), Stiel and Thodos ((T B ( ) = 1209) K. Kreglewski, A.; Zwolinski, B. J. J. Phys. Chem , Somayajulu, G. R. Internat. J. Thermophys. 1990, 11, Stiel, L. T.; Thodos, G. AIChE. J. 1962, 8,
A value of T B ( ) = (1217 246) K is considerably less than T B ( ) = 3000 K, the value obtained by assuming that l g H m (T B ) as T B . Why is T B ( ) = (1217 246) K, not ~3000 K? From the plot of l g H m (T B ) vs l g S m (T B ), shown earlier: T B = m l g H m (T B )/( l g H m (T B ) - C) Rearranging and solving for l g H m (T B ) max using T B ( ) = 1217 results in: l g H m (T B ) max = C (T B ( ))/(m - T B ( )) l g H m (T B ) max = 18.5 kJ mol -1 A limiting value of 18.5 kJ mol -1 for l g H m (T B ) max at T B is predicted where C and m are from plots of l g H m (T B ) vs l g H m (T B ) A limiting value for l g H m (T B ) max suggests that this property may also be modeled effectively by a hyperbolic function
A plot of 1/[1- l g H m (T B )/ l g H m (T B ) max ] against the number of repeat units, n 1-alkenes: circles n-alkylcyclohexanes: squares using a value of 154 kJ mol -1 for l g H m (T B ) max.. Data from: Wilhoit, R. C.; Zwolinski B. J. Handbook of Vapor Pressures and Heats of Vaporization of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds. TRC, Texas A&M Univ. College Station TX
Values of the Parameters of a H and b H Generated in Fitting l g H m (T B ) of Several Homologous Series Using a Value of l g H m (T B ) max = 18.5 kJ mol -1. a H b H /kJ. mol -1 data points n-alkanes n-alkylbenzenes n-alkylcyclohexanes n-alkylcyclopentanes n-alk-1-enes n-alkane-1-thiols
At this point it might be useful to ponder why vaporization enthalpies may approach a limiting value. Consider what vaporization enthalpies measure: intermolecular forces As the size of a flexible molecule increases, what trend would be expected in the ratio of intermolecular/intramolecular interactions? In the limiting case, for a flexible molecule the ratio between intermolecular/intramolecular interactions might be expected to go as the ratio of the surface area of a sphere to its volume: 4 r 2 /4/3 r 3 ~ 1/r
Why do all of the series related to polyethylene converge to a value for l g H m (T B ) max = 18.5 kJ mol -1 ?
Ambroses’ Equation T C = T B + T B /[c + d(n+2)] where c and d are constants and n refers to the number of methylene groups. This equation suggests that T C T B as n . Ambrose, D. "NPL Report Chemistry 92" (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex UK, 1978). How do critical temperatures of homologous series vary with n?
A plot of experimental critical temperatures versus n, the number of methylene groups for (from top to bottom): alkanoic acids: hexagons, 2-alkanones: diamonds, 1-alkanols: solid circles, 1-alkenes: triangles, and n-alkanes: circles. Experimental Critical Temperatures
According to Ambroses’ equation and the previous plots, the critical temperatures of series related to polyethylene appear to behave in an ascending hyperbolic fashion. This suggests that a plot of 1/[1- T C /T C ( )] versus the number of methylene groups n should also be a linear function provided a suitable value of T C ( ) was used. Treating T C ( ) as a variable in ± 5 K increments, a non linear least squares fit the data resulted in the following:
Number of CH 2 groups 1/[1-T c /T c ( )] carboxylic acids 2-alkanones n-alkanes
Results Obtained for the Constants a C and b C by plotting 1/[1-T C (n)/ T C ( ) as a Function of the Number of Repeat Units, N, and Allowing T C ( ) to Vary; a Cm, b Cm : Values of a C and b C Obtained by Using the Mean Value of T C = 1217 K Polyethylene data Series T C ( )/K a C b C /K T C ( )/K a Cm b Cm /K points n-alkanes n-alkanals alkanoic acids alkanols alkanones alkanones alkenes methylalkanes
A plot of experimental critical temperatures versus n, the number of methylene groups for (from top to bottom): alkanoic acids: hexagons, 2-alkanones: diamonds, 1-alkanols: solid circles, 1-alkenes: triangles, and n-alkanes: circles. The lines were calculated using T C ( ) = 1217 K. Critical Temperatures vs n
What are the consequences if T B ( ) = T C ( )?
At T C, l g H m (T C ) = 0 This explains why l g H m (T B ) fails to continue to increase but may infact decrease as the size of the molecule get larger. What does l g H m (T B ) measure? If vaporization enthalpies are a measure of intermolecular interactions, as the size of the molecule get larger, the ratio of intermolecular/intramolecular interactions 0 as n .
Are there any additional consequences if T B ( ) = T C ( )? Since T B is the normal boiling temperature, If T C ( ) = T B ( ), then in the limit, P C ( ) = P B ( ) = kPa; 0.1 MPa. The critical pressure should decrease with increasing n asympotically approaching 0.1MPa as n . Therefore a plot of 1/[1- P C ( )/P C (n)] versus n using P C ( ) = 0.1 MPa should result in a straight line.
n, number of CH 2 groups 1/[1-P c /P c ( )] A Plot of 1/[1-P c ( ) /P c ] vs n for carboxylic acids 1/[1-Pc ( ) /Pc] vs n
.A plot of the critical pressure versus the number of repeat units for the 1-alkanols: triangles, n-alkanes: circles, 2-methylalkanes: squares Critical Pressures vs n
What about other series?
How about the fluorocarbons?
n, number of CF 2 groups T B /K symbols: experimental T B / K lines: calculated T B / K circles: prefluoroalkanes squares: perfluorocarboxylic acids Boiling Temperatures Versus the Number of CF 2 Groups
Table 7. Values of the Parameters of a B and b B Generated in Fitting T B of Several Homologous Perfluorinated Series Using Equation 3 and Allowing T B ( ) to Vary in 5 K Increments; a Bm, b Bm : Values of a B and b B Using an Average Value of T B ( ) = 915 K T B = T B ( )[1-1/(1-a B N + b B )] (3) T B ( )/Ka B b B /K T B ( )/K a Bm b Bm /KN n-perfluoroalkanes n-perfluoroalkanoic acids methyl n-perfluoroalkanoates iodo-n-perfluoroalkanes
n, number of CF 2 groups T C /K symbols: experimental T C / K lines: calculated T C / K using T C = 915 K for the n- perfluoroalkanoic acids Critical Temperatures Versus the Number of CF 2 Groups
A plot of the critical pressure versus the number of repeat units using P C ( ) = (MPa) n, number of CF 2 groups Perfluoroalkanes P C (MPa)
Conclusions: 1. Boiling temperatures appear to converge to a finite limit. 2.Vaporization enthalpies are predicted to approach a limiting value and then decrease as the size of the homologous series increases. 3.Critical temperature and boiling temperatures appear to converge as a function of the number of repeat units. 4.Critical pressures appear to converge to some finite pressure (~1 atm) as the number of repeat units . Can any of this be experimentally verified?