Oregon’s K-12 ELL/SPED students: Data & outcomes
Monitoring of disproportionality by federal and state education departments. Basic Facts related to Oregon’s SPED/ELL students. What does Oregon’s K-12 ELL/SPED population data suggest? Awareness of the implications this information has for your district. Objectives
Race2009 Population Absolute Change 2000 – 2009 Percentage Change Total307,806,55024,834, Non-Hispanic258,587,22612,057, White199,851,2404,088, Black37,681,5443,276, AIAN2,360,807256, Asian13,686,0833,233, NHPI448,51079, Two or More Races4,559,0421,123, Hispanic48,419,32412,776, U.S. POPULATION CHANGE BY RACE & ETHNICITY,
Race Absolute Change Percent of Total Total24,834, Non-Hispanic12,057, White4,088, Black3,276, American Indian256, Asian3,233, Native Hawaiian79, Two or More Races1,123, Hispanic12,776, SHARES OF NET POPULATION GROWTH
to Number of students Percent of all students Number of students Percent of all students Change in number of students Percent change White452, %379, %-73, % African American 14,1392.6%15,4852.8%1,3469.5% Hispanic43,7128.1%109, %66, % Asian/Pacific Islander 19,1893.6%25,9274.6%6, % Native American 11,1562.1%10,8501.9% % Multi- race/ethnic N/A15,1902.7% Not reportedN/A5,3661.0% Oregon Relevance
Oregon K-12 Ethnicity Categories all Students
Title VI 1964 Civil Rights Act:
Civil Rights Act: protection from racial & language discrimination Under Title VI it’s illegal to discriminate based on: race, color, and national origin. Office of Civil Rights works to prevent school districts assigning students to special education programs solely on basis of students’ inability to speak English. Overrepresentation implicates issues of racial, cultural, linguistic diversity, and disability status.
ELL students also protected by Equal Educational Opportunities Act: EEOA: prohibits discrimination of educational services to any student because of race, color, sex, or national origin. Office of Civil Rights responsible EEOA enforcement. Includes standard to determine if school district meeting legal obligations to ELL students, and Prohibits “… failure by an educational agency to take appropriate action to overcome language barriers that impede equal participation by its students in its instructional programs.”
Disproportionality: – The state of being disproportional – Disproportional: out of proportion Disproportionality
WHAPIAAMNX 67.5%19.6%4.6%2.8%2.7%1.9%1% Example of special education disproportionality WHAPIAAMNX 35%25%4.6%22.4%6%4%3% The over or under-representation of a specific race or ethnicity in a given category as compared to a typical standard
African American students = 14.8% of population but = 20.2% of students with disabilities. a 35% increase in minority student enrollment in public education. African American students = 12.6% of population, but average rate of identification w/ Intellectual Disability across states = 25.5%. African American Students identified w/ Intellectual Disability and Emotional Disturbance at greater rates than White students. Why Monitor Disproportionality? Alexa Posny, Director OSEP explains:
What implications does this data have for K-12 education and educators in Oregon?
Identification for special education by race/ethnicity : B9 Inappropriate Identification 1.≥10 students in special education by race/ethnicity category, and 2.≥10 students in special education across other race/ethnicity categories, and 3.+20% difference in the identified special education population from the overall district population by race/ethnicity category, and 4.Weighted risk ratio of >4.0 by race/ethnicity category
Identification by race/ethnicity by disability type: B10 Inappropriate Identification 1.≥10 students in disability category by race/ethnicity, and 2.≥10 students in disability category across other race/ethnicity categories, and 3.+20% difference in the disability category from the overall district population by race/ethnicity category, and 4.Weighted risk ratio of >4.0 by race/ethnicity category
K-12 Oregon SPED Eligibility Categories
K-12 Eligibility Categories – ELL/SPED
B5 Federal Placement Distribution Measurement State Target Regular Class 80% or more of their day 70% or more Regular Class less than 40% 10.8% or less Separate School or Residential Facility 2.0 or less Federal placement distribution (LRE) by setting and race/ethnicity:
1.≥ 3 students in special education by race/ethnicity category who received long-term discipline, and 2.+20% difference in the special education race/ethnicity population who received long-term discipline from the overall district population by race/ethnicity category 3.risk ratio analysis of >2.0* by race/ethnicity category – Incidence = cumulative # of suspension or expulsion incidents – Duration = suspension or expulsion totaling greater than 10 days – Type = out of school suspension or expulsion Long-term discipline: incidence, duration, type and interim service delivery B4A - by race/ethnicity B4B
ELL/SPED student outcomes
Grade K – 12 ELL RLA Meet/Exceed K-12 SPED RLA Meet/Exceed K-12 SPED/ELL RLA Meet/Exceed 3 rd 61% 52%37% 4 th 64% 53%37% 5 th 39% 41%21%
Grade K – 12 ELL RLA Meet/Exceed K-12 SPED RLA Meet/Exceed K-12 SPED/ELL RLA Meet/Exceed 6 th 34% 40%20% 7 th 30% 40%21% 8 th 18% 30%13% 11 th 23% (HS) 43%20%
Oregon Graduation Rates ( th Grade Cohort) Cohort year cohort Non ELL year cohort ELL year cohort Non ELL year cohort ELL57.2
Resources: min/alt/ea/ed_policy_analysis_archives- disproreparticle_2.pdf min/alt/ea/ed_policy_analysis_archives- disproreparticle_2.pdf 38N7_CulturallyCompetentAssessment.pdf 38N7_CulturallyCompetentAssessment.pdf ool_10-3.pdf ool_10-3.pdf
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