RUNJOB and related topics Toru Shibata INFN, Milano (Aoyama-Gakuin University) 09/September/’04
Contents : 1) RUNJOB performance => Astrop. Phys. 16 (2001) 13, Apanasenko A.V. et. al. 3) RUNJOB results and comparison with other data 4) Theoretical implication of the experimental data
RUssia-Nippon JOint Balloon experiment M.Furukawa, V.I. Galkin, M. Hareyama, Y. Hirakawa, M. Ichimura, N. Inoue, E. Kamioka, T. Kobayashi, V.V. Kopenkin, S. Kuramata, A.K. Managadze, H. Matsutani, N.P. Misnikova, R.A. Mukhamedshin, S. Nagasawa, R. Nakano, M. Namiki, M. Nakazawa, H. Nanjo, S.N. Nazarov, S. Ohata,H. Ohtomo, D.S. Oshuev, P.A. Publichenko, I.V. Rakobolskaya,T.M. Roganova, C. Saito, G.P. Sazhina, H. Semba, T. Shibata, D. Shuto, H. Sugimoto, R. Suzuki, L.G. Sveshnikova, R.Tanaka, V.M. Taran,N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, I.V. Yashin, E.A. Zamchalova, G.T. Zatsepin, I.S. Zayarnaya Faculty of Engineering, Aomori University, Aomori , Japan Department of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo , Japan Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki , Japan School of Medicine, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki , Japan P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , Russia Physical Department of Moscow State University, Moscow , Russia D.V.Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow , Russia Institute for Nuclear Researches of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , Russia Multimedia Information Research Division, National Institute of Informatics The Ministry of Education, Tokyo , Japan Shonan Institute of Technology, Fujisawa , Japan Department of Management, Urawa University, Urawa , Japan RUNJOB
construction early May (ISAS, ICRR) launching mid. July level flight at 32km exp. time ~ 150hrs recovery dismounting early August process. mid. Aug. Performance of RUNJOB experiments
Balloon Trajectory launching landing
Balloon Altitude RUNJOB1,2 RUNJOB3,4 RUNJOB8,9 RUNJOB10,11 Average altitude ~ 32km ~ 10g/cm 2
RUNJOB detector diffuser ( ~ 4cm) target ( ~ 10cm) thin EC( ~ 5c.u.) spacer ( ~ 20cm)
( Moscow04)
(summarized by V. Zatsepin)
Summary on RUNJOB data (1) ・ 95% of all data was analyzed. ・ The spectra cover the energy range TeV for proton TeV/n for helium TeV/n for CNO TeV/n for NeMgSi TeV/n for iron ・ Proton spectrum doesn’t’ show any tendency of steeping in observed energy range. ・ Helium flux is lower (about half) than JACEE, SOKOL ATIC, but consistent with MUBEE and Grigorov data. ・ Proton and helium spectra are nearly parallel
・ CNO spectrum has no indication of enhancement in > 10TeV/n region. ・ Iron spectrum is consistent with other groups within statistical error ・ 2-ry/1-ry ratio was shown in TeV/n region. ・ All particle spectrum and average mass covers the energy range from 30 to 1000TeV/particle. ・ All particle flux is lower than other direct measurement, but seems to be consistent with ATIC (Moscow04) ・ The Spectrum shape is similar to other direct measurement => flattering before knee ? ・ Average mass is nearly constant in our observation region, TeV with ~1.5 (helium) Summary on RUNJOB data (2)
Present status of C.R. direct obs. in GeV-PeV region observables: physics: ◎ 1-ry nuclei (p, He, ….., Fe) : accel. limit, source spectrum ◎ 2-ry nuclei (LiBeB, sub-Fe) : path length, residence time ◎ ultra-heavy nuclei : r-process, s-process ◎ anti-particle (p, e +, ……) : novel source, path length ◎ isotopes (Be 10, Al 26, Cl 36, …) : life time of C.R., gas density ◎ electrons : nearby source, anisotropy ◎ diffusive γ-rays : gas density, novel source in harmony with each other ? if not, novel source ?
Configuration of our Galaxy
Our model ● gas density : with ● CR source density : ● boundaryless Galaxy : |z| →∞ r with ● diff. coefficient :
Important parameters: ● ~ ● : : : : ● : Kraichnan - type : Kolmogorov- type
Practically, we presume z D ≫ z n ( thin gas disk surrounded by a large diffusion space ) ~ z n / z D ( ~ 0.1 ) ν = 1 [ 1 + z D z n ]
0) structure function: 1) primary component: 2) secondary component <= ApJ, Vol. 612 (Sep., 2004), Shibata et. al.
5 ) Energy distribution in TeV (ground-base) Comparison with experimental data : 2 ) Longitudinal distribution (EGRET & COS-B) 3 ) Latitudinal distribution (EGRET) 4 ) Energy distribution in GeV region (EGRET) 0 ) Cosmic-ray data on 1-ry, and 2-ry/1-ry ratio 1 ) Cosmic-ray data on 10 Be / 9 Be ratio
● average path length) ( for at : gas density at Galactic center : scale height of diffusion coeffi.
● τ for at : life time of 10 Be : scale height of diffusion coeffi. y τ
5 ) Energy distribution in TeV (ground-base) Comparison with experimental data : 2 ) Longitudinal distribution (EGRET & COS-B) 3 ) Latitudinal distribution (EGRET) 4 ) Energy distribution in GeV region (EGRET)
3)γ-ray component z x y 0 l Earth line of sight L b γ ApJ, vol. 612 (‘04, sep.)
③ 400 ~ 2000 GeV : Neuhofer et al. (1972) ① E 0 ~ 1 GeV : Bugg et al. (1964) ② 10 ~ 300 GeV : Jaeger et al. (1975) ④ 30 ~ 700 TeV : Chacaltaya (1980), (UA7)
(in CMS)
<= isotropic dist. in CMS
only relative value is compared !
● EGRET data are not in harmony with C.R. data : 1) Energy calibration ? 2) Subtraction of SNR ? 3) Novel sources ? Conclusion ● 100 GeV ~ 100 TeV-γ are quite important 3) I.C. or Brems. Photons effective ?