An Online Procurement Auction for Power Demand Response in Storage-Assisted Smart Grids Ruiting Zhou †, Zongpeng Li †, Chuan Wu ‡ † University of Calgary ‡ The University of Hong Kong 1
The central problem in a smart grid is the matching between power supply and demand. Supply < Demand, procure from energy storage devices Demand < Supply, store electricity. This work studies the demand response problem in storage-assisted smart grids. Introduction 2
Storage crowdsourcing: thousands of batteries co-residing in the same grid can together store and supply an impressive amount of electricity. How to incentivize storage participation and minimize the cost? An Online Procurement Auction! Introduction A storage-assisted smart grid 3
Effectively response to the imbalance Need no estimation Discover the “right price” reduce the cost Properties: Online: diurnal cycles, and electricity stored at low-price hours is in finite supply Procurement: multiple sellers (storage devices) and a single buyer (the grid). Why Online Procurement Auction? 4
Two main modules Translating online auction into a series of one-round auctions A online Design a truthful auction for one-round demand response problem A one A polynomial-time approximation algorithm A payment scheme to guarantee truthfulness Social cost competitive ratio: 2 in typical scenarios Our Contributions 5
Model Auction includes T time slots; M agents, each agent m ∈ [M] submits a set of K bids. Each bid is a pair: 6 Capacity limit Cover power shortage XOR bidding rule Social cost
What difficulties could the capacity bring? Greedy vs Optimal Online Problem 7 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Round 2 $6 5 Round 3 $3 6 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Round 2 $7 5 Round 3 $9 10
Online Problem 8 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Remaining Capacity=6 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Remaining Capacity=10 D1=4 What difficulties could the capacity bring? Greedy
Online Problem 9 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Round 2 $6 5 Remaining Capacity=1 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Round 2 $7 5 Remaining Capacity=10 D2=5 What difficulties could the capacity bring? Greedy
What difficulties could the capacity bring? Greedy social cost=2+6+9=17 Online Problem 10 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Round 2 $6 5 Round 3 $3 6 Remaining Capacity=1 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Round 2 $7 5 Round 3 $9 10 Remaining Capacity=0 D3=6
Online Problem 11 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Round 2 $6 5 Round 3 $3 6 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Round 2 $7 5 Round 3 $9 10 What difficulties could the capacity bring? Optimal social cost=2+7+3=12.Greedy social cost=17
Lesson Learned Do not exhaust battery’s capacity early Lose all the opportunities on this agent Solution: Higher priority for agent with higher (remaining) capacity adjust the cost in a bid according to its remaining capacity 12 Our solution
13 The Online Framework A online Increased cost, adjust each round Run A one based on the increased cost. Suppose A one return a good solution For one-round problem. Update the value of Sm, based on the ratio of consumed power and total capacity
Simulate A online on the previous example Two bids, A one select the agent with smallest cost. 14 Example 14 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Remaining Capacity=6 D1=4 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Remaining Capacity=10
Simulate A online on the previous example Two bids, A one select the agent with smallest cost. 15 Example 15 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Round 2 $6 5 adjust: $7.2 5 Remaining Capacity=6 D2=5 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Round 2 $7 5 adjust: $7 5 Remaining Capacity=5
Greedy algorithm: social cost $17 Optimal solution: social cost $12 A online : social cost $12 16 Example 16 Agent A C=10 Round 1 $2 4 Round 2 $6 5 Round 3 $3 6 adjust: $ Remaining Capacity=0 D3=6 Agent B C=10 Round 1 $4 4 Round 2 $7 5 Round 3 $9 10 adjust: $ Remaining Capacity=5
Primal-dual approximation algorithm to determine the winners Approximation ratio=2 when each agent submits one bid only Payment to winners key in satisfying truthfulness, provide monetary incentives to encourage truthful bidding Myerson’s characterization: an auction is truthful iff (i) the auction result is monotone (ii) winners are paid threshold payments 17 One-round Auction Design
18 One-round WDP Increased cost of supply Cover power shortage XOR bidding
We augment the original one-round WDP: introduce a number of redundant inequalities. Introducing dual variables y, z. 19 One-round WDP Primal ILP Dual ILP
20 One-round Auction Mechanism Initialize the primal and dual variables While loop: updates the primal and dual variables Once a dual constraint becomes tight, the bid corresponding to that constraint is added to the set A Find the threshold bid, Calculate the payment
Simulation setup Demand: [10GWh, 50GWh], with reference to information from ieso (Power to Ontario) Battery capacity [60 kWh, 200 kWh] Amount of supple: [0, 100]kWh cost [$0, $20] 1000~ 3000 agents 1~15 rounds 1~10 bids per agent 21 Performance Evaluation
Approximation ratio approaches 1 towards the bottom- right corner of the surface A downward trend as the number of bids per agent grows 22 Performance of One-round WDP Algorithm
The larger number of available agents, the better performance in terms of cost can be achieved Small values in k and T lead to a lower ratio 23 Performance of Online Algorithm
One of the first studies on storage power demand response through an online procurement power auction mechanism The two-stage auction designed is truthful, computationally efficient, and achieves a competitive ratio of 2 in practical scenarios An online framework which monitors each agent’s capacity A primal-dual approximation algorithm for one-round problem 24 Conclusions
Questions? 25 Thank you!