DIFD 321 – Week 1 John Rouda – Winthrop University
The Business of Web Design Key Objectives: –Leave here knowing more than you came in –Understand basic business concepts –Get a better understanding of the web and mobile world we live in –Motivate you for success in school and life –Make you a better person
Getting to know you About Me –Work History, Education, etc. About You –Name, Year, Major (option), job/hobbies, favorite book, etc.
Being Successful Stay Busy Create Habits Take Risks Don’t Delay Set Goals / Triggers Take Notes Track your time Be Safe (wait, what about risks?) Never say “I don’t have the time” Get to know your professors Get in shape Volunteer Stay out of debt
Learning Stuff How we’re going to do this… –2 Exams, 1 project, sporadic homework and an occasional pop quiz or pop presentation. Getting started…
Intro to Business Entrepreneurship Risk vs. Reward Stakeholders vs. shareholders
Intro to Business Product vs. Services ROI and why is it so important? IT in Businesses and how it affects ROI…and how ROI affects IT.
The Internet Productivity Efficiency? Effectiveness How do you use the Internet to make purchasing decisions?
Economics Macro vs. Micro Supply and Demand
Free Market Capitalism Perfect Competition Monopoly Oligopoly Free Market vs. Socialism…
Our Economy and how it affects you and me. Unemployment rate Inflation Stagflation Deflation
Our Economy and how it affects you and me. GDP and GNP Price Indexes Household income Home Sales Consumption US Trade Employment rates
Global Business Why think globally? Importing and Exporting Absolute Advantage
Trade Surplus and deficits Tariff Import quota Embargo WTO, EU, NAFTA, OPEC… what do they have to do with me? Bartering… more than just craigslist
Starting your own business Ownership types: Sole proprietorships Partenerships LLP MLP LLC S-Corp C-Corp
How to get started Buy an exsisting business Start your own Business license Legal Docs Marketing strategy Business plan Exit Strategy
How to get started Buy an exsisting business Start your own Business license Legal Docs Marketing strategy Business plan Exit Strategy
Tangent – Website Architecture - SOA
SOA Is it for everyone? Small Businesses vs. Medium- Large Businesses
Ted Talks Ideas Worth Spreading…. Some are funny, some are inspiring, all are worth watching. Sample – appy_secret_to_better_work.htmlhttp:// appy_secret_to_better_work.html
HOMEWORK!!! Watch a Ted Talk… Any Ted Talk. Write a 1 (only 1) page summary of the Ted Talk. Include a link to the video. me an attachment of the summary as a Word Doc by 11:59PM on