Nike Fuel Bands
Price Sporting Goods
Purpose The Nike+ Fuel Band is an activity tracker that is worn on the wrist and is to be used with an Apple iPhone or iPad device. The FuelBand allows its wearers to track their physical activity, steps taken daily, and amount of calories burned
Why it would help Kids would have access to their results of the days activities. Sleek and new-age design Connects to smart phone (which everyone has)
Track Smart Employee attendance software for the school Easy way for employees to keep track of attendance and time off $349 a year from Tracksmart.com Easy way for Phys Ed teachers to keep track of time spent in the school Easiness results in a happy teacher, which will result in better teacher productivity
INSANITY Insanity is a DVD workout designed for muscle confusion Active and a lot of movement to keep children in a fit lifestyle Provides a professional workout $139 From Amazon WILL decrease childhood obesity
Dance Dance Revolution
DDR is a video game that simulates dancing, using foot pads in rhythm to a song Fun and efficient way for kids to get moving! $249 From opentip.com Dancing is a great workout while teaching coordination
Power Stim 16p
Power Stim 16P A muscle Stimulator machine Muscle Stimulation aids in recovery and strengthening of sore/hurt muscles $399 at StimRX.com Faster way to get kids back in the gym Purposes/modes Strength Training Muscle Recovery Muscle Toning Muscle Repair-pain reduction & massage therapy