ATU Preliminary Views on the various WRC-15 Agenda Items African Telecommunications Union ATU Preliminary Views on the various WRC-15 Agenda Items a presentation to the ICAO AFI Spectrum Workshop for WRC-15 Nairobi 3-4 Sep 2013 Kezias MWALE Technical Coordinator Sep 2013
Overview of ATU Established in 1977 in Kinshasa – the DRC, as Pan-African Telecommunications Union (PATU) as a specialized agency of AOU for telecommunications. Re-named in 1999 as African Telecommunications Union (ATU) still as specialized agency of AU for telecommunications Has four permanent organs Plenipotentiaries Conference Administrative Council Technical and Development Conference General Secretariat - headquartered in Nairobi – Kenya Provides for non-permanent organs e.g. the newly established AfriSWoG (African Spectrum Working Group) Currently has 43 Member States and 21 Associate Members However, all African countries actively participate in ATU activities Major challenge has been finances due to lack of confidence – however this is been actively addressed – up to 8 countries liquidated all their arrears last financial year alone Decision 18 of SADC ICT Ministers meeting of 2013 Delegation of AUC roaming agenda, ISOC, African Institute, other partnerships Sep 2013
(African Common Position, AfCP) Preliminary views Vs. Positions Status Preliminary views Preliminary view No rule established as yet. Views are collated as they are presented by membership. Categorization into majority or minority in warranted cases is simply an aid to help understand different views, where applicable. A competent meeting is not necessarily required. Position (African Common Position, AfCP) A position supported by 16 countries and no more than 8 express objections attending a competent meeting (in other words those opposing should not be more than 50% of those proposing a position). This is similar principle to APT. 1st competent meeting for WRC-15 preparations was held in Dakar from 18 – 20 March, 2013 Regional positions (ECCAS, EACO, ECOWAS, SADC, North) play a major role in forming the ATU position – a regional have a ‘veto’ power Sep 2013
WRC-15 preliminary views 1/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 1.1 Additional spectrum to mobile and identification thereof for IMT under mobile service The 470 – 694 MHz band View 1: To be excluded in the studies (majority view) View 2: To be included for study The 3400 – 3600MHz band View 1: To be included in the studies see 5.430A which list 27 countries for IMT use (majority view); View 2: To be excluded for study The 3600 – 4200MHz band View 1: To be excluded in the studies (majority view; Section 9.9 of Dakar Report) C-band remains crucial to most parts of Africa sometimes as the only form of communications is increasingly being for aeronautical services C-band is used as backbone for IMT in many parts Other bands No strong view on whether or not to consider other satellite bands (1518-1559 MHz, 1626.5-1660.5 MHz, 1668-1675 MHz) Sep 2013
WRC-15 preliminary views 2/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 9.1-5 Satellite services in the C-band (3400 – 4200 MHz) to support civil aviation in some countries of Region 1 The 3400 – 3600MHz band Safe use of this band by civil aviation may not be sustainable because the band is already identified for IMT in many countries (AI 1.1 and 5.430A refers). 5.30A: African countries (Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo (Rep. of the), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) The 3600 – 4200MHz band Safe use of this band by civil aviation may be sustainable as such the studies are supported (AI 1.1 refers). Sep 2013
WRC-15 preliminary views 3/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 8 Footnotes 5.457: HAPS in the 6GHz band demanding explicit agreement of countries within 1000km from the border of Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria. The four countries will be invited to reconsider the relavance of thier names in this footnote 5.XYZ: Deletion or addition of country names onto footnotes to improve harmonization e.g. 5.430A on the use of 3400-3600MHz for IMT (already 27 countries are included) Sep 2013
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) WRC-15 preliminary views 4/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 1.5 Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) No objection to the principle so far: Support the studies for possible identification as it would support the development of aviation and progressive Foreseen deployment includes e.g. anti-pouching and farming Not aware of any objecting view Sep 2013
Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) WRC-15 preliminary views 5/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 1.17 Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) No objection to the principle so far: Support the studies for possible identification as it would support the development of aviation and progressive Not aware of any objecting view Sep 2013
WRC-15 preliminary views 6/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 1.7 Review the use of the band 5091 – 5150 MHz By the Fixed satellite service No objection to the principle so far: Support the review so as to improve the coordination process Not aware of any objecting view Sep 2013
WRC-15 preliminary views 7/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 1.4 Amateur service in the band 5250 – 5450 kHz Only one view so far: Support the new allocation 1.16 Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) No objection to the principle so far: Support the studies for possible introduction of Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) as it would support the development of maritime and would be progressive Not aware of any objecting view Sep 2013
WRC-15 preliminary views 8/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 1.11/ 1.12 Additional/extension spectrum to Earth exploration-satellite service in the band 7 - 8 GHz/ 10 GHz band No objection to the principle so far: Support the studies for possible additional/extension provided current systems are protected/not constrained Not aware of any objecting view 1.6/ 1.9-1/ 1.9-2/ 1.10 Additional spectrum to fixed/mobile/maritime-mobile satellite satellite service in the band 10 – 17 GHz; 7 and 8 GHz bands; 22 - 26 GHz Sep 2013
Definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station WRC-15 preliminary views 9/9 Agenda Item Topic Preliminary views 9.1-1 Protection of systems on mobile satellite systems in the band 406-406.1 MHz No objection to the principle so far: Support the studies for possible additional protection provided systems in the adjacent are not unduly affected or constrained Not aware of any objecting view 9.1-6 Definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station Align to existing frequency coordination and notification practice in ITU-R Reflect emerging and future real-life deployment scenarios of fixed and mobile stations as far as possible. Do not negatively impact National Licensing and Spectrum Management Practices. 10 WRC-18 Agenda Items No view as yet Sep 2013
Overview of AfriSWoG Similar to APT, CEPT, ASMG, CITEL Established in accordance with Articles 3 and 10 of ATU Constitution Dual role Working group Advisory group Membership 19 member states All associate members Participation Open to all membership, and other stakeholders on invitation; Section 8 (6) Output Recommendations to higher courts Working on WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.2 (technical studies for OoBE value) Sep 2013
Recommendations Segment the C-band into core band 3600-4200MHz and extended band 3400-3600MHz as basis for ‘give-and-take’ under WRC-15 Agenda Items 1.1 and 9.1-5 Collaborate with ATU in undertaking an urgent study to back-up the objection for studies in the core C-band 3600-4200MHz Actively participate in the work of AfriSWoG to ensure that the technical basis for any ICAO position is appreciated at an early stage Work closely with AfriSWoG member state members as champions for various ICAO issues of interest Sep 2013
Conclusion Spectrum is increasing in value, its prudent management against various competing needs is a must Africa can build on the success story of WRC-07 and WRC-12 for yet another success at WRC-15 ATU stands committed to providing a platform by which stakeholders’ interests can be promoted and defended for a win- win scenarios We look forward for more collaboration with ICAO ‘working together we can do more’ (RSA) Sep 2013
Technical Coordinator thank you Kezias MWALE Technical Coordinator Sep 2013