The Lecturer: Shen Kailai In Qingyuan Oct. 18, 2004
Unit Four English poetry
Integrating Songs and poems
TASK 1 Integrating skills Songs and poems
Unit 4 Integrating skills
1.Why does the writer like singing? 2.why does the writher like reading poems? 3.What techniques of reading poetry are --mentioned in the passage? 4.What’s the main idea of this passage? 5.What can we infer from the passage?
1.Why does the writer like singing? 2.why does the writher like reading poems? * Make him feel good/ better * Give him a strange feeling * Make him feel something * Help him get through the day * A special experience * Have different feelings with different poems 3.What techniques of reading poetry are --mentioned in the passage? * Recite them* Don’t look up the meaning of the words * Read alone and aloud* Practise more * Read different poems when having different feelings
4.What’s the main idea of this passage? 5.What can we infer from the passage? * Reading poetry can bring people pleasure just like singing -- a song. * Now reading poem is part of the writer’s life. Translations of the two poems 铁杉树上 一只乌鸦 抖落雪尘 撒我一身 我的心情 因此变化 一天的懊丧 已不再留下 Dust of Snow - by Robert Frost The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued
RIGHT HERE WAITING - by Richard Marx Oceans apart, day after day, And I slowly go insane. I hear your voice on the line, But it doesn't stop the pain. If I see you next to never, How can I say forever? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. 远隔重洋,日复一日 思念几乎使我发狂 尽管电话中听到了你的声音 但却摆脱不了痛苦 如果从此再也不能相见 我们又怎么能说相爱到永远 无论你到何方, 无论你在做什么 我都会在此等你 无论付出怎样的代价 哪怕使我心碎 我也会在此等你
Write a review of an English poems
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!
This poem is about the stars in the sky. When I read the poem, it seems that a clear picture is shown before me. In the dark sky of night, there are thousands of little stars that twinkle in the sky. They are far away from me, perhaps thousands of millions of miles away. I want very much to go further and see clearly what they are like. But I can’t. I can only see them like diamonds in my story books. When I read the poem, I feel very happy and comfortable. Nature is beautiful and mysterious whether in the day or at night. There are many, many things like stars in the sky waiting for us to discover.
TASK 2 Integrating skills The birthday of modern poetry
**Read the reading material and answer the questions: 1. What do people say about poetry? 2. What is the main feature of John Milton ’ s poems? 3. What is this type of poetry called now? 4. Why did modern poets write free verse? * Have rhythm and rhyme fixed number of lines and rhyme pattern *Have a certain form with *Poems without rhyme at the end of lines. *Free verse. *To break with the traditional forms of poetry.
Traditional poetry Modern poets (20th century) rhythm and rhyme fixed number of lines and pattern without rhyme at the end of the lines had a hand at this kind of poetry that was free of rhyme break with traditional forms about common topics John Milton (17th century) After Milton Features of each kind of poetry
悲哉行 白居易( ) 悲哉为儒者, 力学不知疲. 读书眼欲暗, 秉笔手生胝. 十上方一第, 成名常苦迟. 纵有宦达者, 两鬓已成丝. 可怜少壮日, 适在穷贱时. 丈夫老且病, 焉用富贵为. 沉沉朱门宅, 中有乳臭儿. 状貌如妇人, 光明膏粱肌. 手不把书卷, 身不擐戎衣. 二十袭封爵, 门承勋戚资. 春来日日出, 服御何轻肥. 朝从博徒饮, 暮有倡楼期. 平封还酒债, 堆金选蛾眉. 声色狗马外, 其余一无知. 山苗与涧松, 地势随高卑. 古来无奈何, 非君独伤悲.
TASK 2 Language points Integrating skills
1. send for 2. feel good 3. song words 4. A good song always makes me feel something. 5. by the end of 6. get through 7. in the middle of 8. used to 9. recite poems 10. look up 11. words and idioms 12. forget about 13. in the beginning 14. fall into 15. have dif- ferent feelings with 16. by the light of a candle 17. give your opinions about 18. recommend sth to sb 19. take a bit of work 20. be well worth 21. contribute to // 22. have a certain form 23. a fixed number of 24. such as 25. at the end of 26. It is also true that …. 27. look like 28. except for 29. be famous for 30. have a hand at 31. be free of 32. some such poems 33. It was not until … that …. 34. break with 35. common topics
1. fall into a deep sleep / ill health / silence / difficulties / ruin / bad repair / the habit of / line / the hands of 2. It ’ s not worth getting angry with her. / She is not worth getting angry with. / This film is well worth seeing. 3. Although he has plenty of money Allan didn ’ t contri- bute to Jane ’ s present when she left the office. ( = join with others in giving) / Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. ( = help in bring about ) 4. have a hand at/in: I had a hand in arranging the party. 5. such a clever boy any/no/some/three/several such + n. No such person exists. / One such book is enough.
TASK 2 Answers to some exercises
(p.29) Word study: 1. poem 2. absence 3. atmosphere 4. glory 5. poets 6. translated (p.30) Grammar: 1— 1. Frightened = Since she was frightened 2. followed = who was followed 3. examined 4. Built = As it was built 5. Seen = When it is seen 6. trapped = if you are 7. shot = Although he was shot (p.30) Grammar: 2— 1. which was connected 2. Since/As it is connected 3. Since it was 4. which was … (p.30) Grammar: 3— 1. When he was asked 2. As he was well known 3. If we were given 4. Once it was translated 5. Since she was deeply interested 6. Though was left
(p.103) Vocabulary: 1.— madness / sadness / recommendation / loneliness / intention / translation / Introduction / contribution (p.103) 2— 1. came into being 2. light up 3. calls up 4. contributes to 5. stands out 6. playing with 7. put… Together (p.104) 4— 1. which make her feel very bad / and he is even worse than his Dad 2. is a very interesting story / is something I will tell you in our dormitory 3. which cost me a lot of money / and she thought it was funny 4. so cleaning the floor has become a must 5. as it flew over the bright white snow / which flew in the sky, very low 6. and it has broken my heart / which will be like making a new start
John Donne Alexander Pope John Keats
Home work 1. Preview Unite 5 — Reading 2. Read “ the notes to the text ” 3. Read “ English Weekly ”
Thank you. The End