An Introduction to the Nature of Visual Rhetoric Presentation adapted from The Informed Argument; Brief Sixth Edition, Robert Yagelski & Robert Miller. Thomson/Wadsworth: 2004.
Journal (5 minutes): What text or caption would you place with this image? How does this picture appeal to each: logos, pathos, and ethos?
Visual Rhetoric Images are texts. Images have the power to affect us. We are constantly exposed to images and interpret them daily.
Visual Rhetoric This picture was taken as Bush was trying to generate support for his proposed Department of Homeland Security in What does such a photograph communicate about President Bush? What ideas does Mt. Rushmore evoke?
Visual Rhetoric Not all visual rhetoric is obvious. Visual effects can also be subtle and complex What ideas does this company wish to associate with their product?
Visual Rhetoric What ideas are presented in this ad? What associations does the company want you to make with their product?
Visual Rhetoric How this image different from the Kool ad? How is it the same? What is the relationship between the product and the image in each ad?
Argument & Persuasion Effects in visual media can be categorized in the same way as arguments in print media. Visual elements used in argumentation can: appeal to our emotions, they can make logical appeals, and they can address character.
Argument Versus Persuasion The difference between argument or persuasion: Argument seeks to clarify thought in an effort to address an issue or solve a problem (ideally aspiring to truth). The persuasive appeal of an ad ultimately is to compel you to a specific action.
Design & Color The manner in which size, style, color, and placements of text and images are used in visual rhetoric contributes to the effect of the design.
Color: We associate certain colors or combinations of colors with cultural values. For example, red white & blue evoke a sense of patriotism or “ home ” in most Americans. Likewise, we associate colors and color schemes with certain brands or organizations
Design This poster for the French State (Etat) Railways was printed in France in 1932 when Western economies were in deep depression and facism was on the rise in Europe. Many people were looking for strength and stability in uncertain times. What does this design seem to be saying?
Discussion Activity (15min) 1.Meet with your Forum Group (1-5) 2.Go to the class website Click on “Today’s Discussion” 4. With your group discuss the images and questions. Be prepared to share your findings with the rest of the class
Forum I This poster was distributed by the US government during WWII. Its messages of support for the war is obvious, but what specific arguments do these posters make?
Forum II Landscape painting of the 19th C. Hudson Valley School are sometimes described as making a case for environmental conservation. How does this painting by F.E. Church make a case for a certain view of nature?
Forum III What associations does Nike want you to make with their product?
Forum IV According to Shaheen’s essay, how have our depictions of Arabs and Arab Americans changed since 9/11? What are the effects of these two images? What needs to be done to move beyond caricature?
Forum V How are masculinity and femininity portrayed in this classic movie poster? Is there a difference in the way genders are portrayed in contemporary film?