Graduated from A&M with an Elementary Ed degree with a reading specialization 13 th Year at Buckalew Married with 3 adult children and one grandson.
It is important to have your child here on time, 8:05 is when the tardy bell rings. Students can come to the classroom as early as 7:45 A good night’s sleep and breakfast are essential to a successful day Dismissal changes should be done on an emergency basis through the office
8:05 – 10:20 Instruction 10:20 – 11:15 Specials 11:15 – 11:20 Restroom 11: :00 Instruction 12:00 – 12:20 Instruction 12:20 – 1:20 Lunch/Recess 1:20 – 2:45 Instruction 2:45 – 3:05 Dismissal
Monday – PE Tuesday – Art or Music Wednesday – PE Thursday – Library and Computer Friday – P.E. and one of the following: Library, Art, or Music
Second grade guidelines is 45 min. per day Reading – read 20 minutes Word Work: practice and review the pattern words for the week Math: fast facts for practice of fact strategies Content Area – practice with a different content area skill Monday - Thursday
Numerical Grades - Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Word Work), Math, Social Studies and Science Parent Access – grades can be accessed and seen at home Report cards – every nine weeks
is best but do not expect a response until after school as I can be busy teaching A weekly newsletter is updated on my website and sent in an every Wednesday Fall conferences or as needed Behavior chart and calendar in binder Please make transportation changes through the office
The Buckalew Bistro is for you and your child’s dining experience Treats for birthdays should be store bought with the ingredients listed. Treats will be eaten at lunch. Forgotten lunches and snacks can be left on the drop off table (snack is in the morning)
Basic addition and subtraction facts to 20, patterns, number lines, numbers to 1200, measurement, comparing numbers, money, geometry, fractions, graphing, double digit addition and subtraction, probability and problem solving
Reading – Whole group and small guided reading groups, comprehension strategies, fiction and nonfiction, genres, reader’s theater, and Daily 5 Writing – Grammar skills, spelling and various writing genres (narratives, how-to, informational and poems)
Social Studies: citizenship, landforms, maps, communities, economics, government, and biographies Science: matter, energy, animals, habitats, force and motion, natural resources, the water cycle, weather, space, and plants
Room Mom Workroom Helper Providing items for activities Helping at stations for special occasions (Cranberry Thanksgiving, Math Olympics and Earth Day) Book Club Parent Volunteer in our Classroom!
for taking the time to attend Parent Orientation! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!