Happy Tuesday! 9/9/14 Do Now: What are some of your hopes and dreams that you would like to accomplish by the time you turn 25? Write at least TWO PARAGRAPHS
FOUND POEM A found poem is created when words in an existing piece of writing are lifted from that writing and rearranged to create a greater emotional response. A found poem is shaped from a collection of words or phrases found in one text/magazine/newspaper/etc…
CLASS WORK How to create a “Found” poem: Search newspapers, textbooks, or any written source for hidden poetic potential. Lift and isolate lines from the text and rearrange to expose new meanings. Strip out unnecessary words. Rearrange syntax, compress phrases, repeat key words. DO NOT ADD WORDS. That is the one rule in found poetry!
Found Poem Example
Happy Wednesday! 9/10/14 Do Now: Write down 3 questions that you may ask a college recruiter about college life, admissions, etc…
Happy Thursday! 9/11/14 DO NOW: Copy these Non-Judgemental Sentence Starters into your WNB: I noticed… The line that sticks out for me is … The part I remember best is… I felt …when this happened in the poem… I wish I knew more about… I wonder…. This part reminds me of….
Poetry Session 2/3- Observations Learning Goal I will learn to elaborate on my writing about daily observations. Learning Objective I can expand on my first observation about writing something more specific.
Teaching Point: Writers live a bit of every day while trying to be a writer. This means writing every day. This means watching the world every day. It means wondering about what we need to notice and then writing about it.
Class Work Model my observations Paired Work-share your observations you made yesterday. Independent Practice-Write an observation you made yesterday for the next 7 minutes.
Happy Friday! 9/12/14 DO NOW: Using your phone find the definitions for the following words/phrases 1. Diction 2. Connotation 3. Denotation 4. Line breaks 5. White space 6. Repetition 7. Figurative language 8. Allusion 9. Punctuation 10. Capitalization
Poetry Session 4 – Poetic Devices Learning Goal I will learn different poetic devices and how they are used in different poems. Learning Objective I can identify different poetic devices by reading poems.
Teaching Point Poets study the decisions of other poets in order to develop their own way of writing about the world.
CLASS WORK Model my “I Come From” repeated phrase AKA litany poem (on Word) Paired Work- Turn & talk about the people, places & things you come from. Independent Practice-Write a 15 + line using a repeated phrase using 2 or more technical/stylistic decisions. Share poem and respond using the sentence starters.
EXIT SLIP: Write down something interesting you learned about your partner today.
Happy Friday! 9/12/14 DO NOW: Read two poems that use memories and have two different purposes as they retell an event from their past. In your Writer’s Notebook, summarize the memory each poet is describing and identify his/her purpose. COPY into WNB Possible purposes of poems express personal reaction illustrate an idea reflect on and change a past way of seeing or understanding offer advice
POETRY SESSION 3-Memory Poem Learning Goal I will learn a strategy for generating a poem & the purposes of poems. Learning Objective I can use my memories or memories of others to write a 15+ line poem.
TEACHING POINT Poets use memory to find stories that matter to them and communicate ideas and feelings to their reader. They explore their memories trying to remember the ordinary events, people, places, and things as well as the important events, people, places, and things in their past. They write about them to understand why they are interested in this.
CLASS WORK Model my Memory Poem Paired Work- Turn & talk about which lines might work to use for a new poem. Independent Practice- Pick one line that is a memory from a previous poem. Copy into your WNB and use that to write a NEW poem. Write a Memory Poem (20+ lines) Share poem and respond using the non-judgmental sentence starters.
My Memory Poem I stole a line from my “I Come From” poem. You are going to do the same thing-Go back and re-read and steal a memory from a previous poem to write another poem today. Mom by Amy Maurice No child of mine is average Life isn’t fair No excuses If you want something badly enough you’ll find a way I heard these things as long as I can remember As a teenager I fought with her And fought She stressed me out She made me cry She was headstrong And She was right
EXIT SLIP Do you understand today’s strategy of using a memory to generate ideas for a poem? Write your name on a small post it and stick on: Got it! Almost! Kind of! Nope!