Connecting GTA Teachers Regional Planning Team SCWI Symposium April 25, 2005
1. Who we are 2. What we do 3. Regular meetings 4. Discussion topics 5. Recurring themes 6. Regional forums 7. Future Plans Contents
Who we are Centennial George Brown Georgian Seneca Four Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology …plus
Two Institutes of Technology & Advanced Learning Who we are Humber (lead partner) Sheridan …plus
Who we are Dufferin-Peel Catholic Peel Region Halton Catholic Halton Region Toronto Catholic Toronto York Catholic York Region Eight District School Boards
Map - Colleges
How many we are
Who’s on the Team Steering team (29) Project Manager Project Coordinator Staff person - Student Development & Articulation Forum subcommittees Distribution list Local initiators
Various college-board affiliations Phase 6 - Connecting Teachers Phase 7 - Connecting Teachers Continues Phase 8 - Connecting GTA Teachers How we’ve evolved
Coordinate all SCWI activity in GTA Develop and coordinate relationships Promote curricula alignment Develop clearer pathways Develop and manage resources Develop strategies to assist all students Help make SCW transitions successful Our goals
Organize monthly meetings Hold regular discussions Organize regional forums Support local projects / initiatives Identify issues / outcomes …plus What we do
Evaluate effectiveness Plan and implement communications strategies Monitor / promote SCWI activites Coordinate with other SCWI groups What we do
Monthly Venue rotates Tour organization Half discussion Half business Special invitations Detailed documentation Regular Meetings
Next steps for Math Job Connect Pathways to Health Sciences The changing demographic Articulation Writing the Phase 9 Proposal Discussion Topics
Writing the Phase 9 Proposal Toronto Catholic DSB’s New Pathways Program PSST (Promoting Skilled Trades + Technology) New + Emerging Programs – Reaching the influencers Discussion Topics
“Re-culturing” parents Keeping all players informed - Amount of information - Rapid change Language educators use Continuity of support for students Constraints of time, workloads Recurring Themes
Regional Forums Two on Communication Skills High interest Over 200 people each
Regional Forum – Centennial ‘Closing the Gap between High School and College’ November 24, 2004 Plenary Sessions High school perspective on Communication Skills College perspective on Communication Skills Questions, answers and next steps
Regional Forum – Centennial ‘Closing the Gap between High School and College’ November 24, 2004 Workshops: Ontario College Writing Exemplars English assessment in high schools: Rubrics Remediation in high school and college ESL in high school and college Literacy in high schools: what do colleges need to know? College Reading: what skills are required?
Regional Forum - Sheridan ‘Connecting Personally’ April 27, 2005 Feedback: More discussion Ministry in attendance Panel of students
Regional Forum - Sheridan ‘Connecting Personally’ April 27, 2005 New ideas: Coded name tags List of contacts Funding opportunities Survey Monkey
Regional Forum - Sheridan ‘Connecting Personally’ April 27, 2005 Plenary sessions: Differing Contexts – High School & College English Literacy learning - A search for coherence Student panel Questions, answers and next steps
Regional Forum - Sheridan ‘Connecting Personally’ April 27, 2005 Workshops: Writing in high school and college Academic support for exceptional & under-prepared ESL – High school & college perspectives Literacy in high school - What colleges need to know Access programs in colleges TOWES (Test of Workplace Essential Skills) Bridging the gap
Database Now over 300 records Contact information Includes photos (head shots) Extensive reporting capability Exceptional followup capability Plan to share
Website Informational – About us – News – Events – Projects – Contact
Website Utilitarian Agendas Meeting notes Discussions notes Resources
Features √ T ransferable √ E xpandable √ A ccessible √ M aintainable Website
Also Friendly! Attractive! Website
Learning to 18 Learning Partnership Program Dual Credit / Dual Programming Forums next year Teacher candidate training Future Plans
Thank you Chris Coleman Steve Bodsworth Ron Dorcas Ken Harrison Michelle Ouellette Lucy Valentino Mary Vesia Connect with us