MSHA Communications and Tracking Workshop March 17, 2010
Workshop Agenda Background Technology Review NIOSH Presentation Legal Issues - canceled Communication and Tracking Approvals ERP Status ERP Issues Questions and Answers
MINER Act Requirements “Post Accident Wireless Two-Way Communication Medium” “Electronic Tracking System” Emergency Response Plans submitted by June 15, 2009
MINER Act Requirements Approved Plans shall: –Afford miners a level of safety protection at least consistent with the existing standards, including standards mandated by law and regulation; –Reflect the most recent credible scientific research; –Be technologically feasible, make use of current commercially available technology, and account for the specific physical characteristics of the mine; and –Reflect the improvements in mine safety gained from experience under this Act and other worker safety and health laws.
MINER Act Requirements ERPs must be reviewed by MSHA at least every 6 months. MSHA must consider: –Comments submitted by miners or miners’ representatives –Intervening advancements in science and technology that could be implemented to enhance miners’ ability to evacuate or otherwise survive in an emergency.
MSHA Technical Support Communication and Tracking Committee History MSHA formed committee shortly after Sago and Aracoma Disasters Committee charged with investigating communication and tracking technologies including those used in other industries: –Initially investigated PED and Tracker –Reviewed responses to MSHA’s request for information –Coordinated technology testing at Consol McElroy Mine
MSHA Committee History Met with product developers to provide technical assistance (70 different companies) –Underground coal mine needs –Approval assistance –Test/demo arrangements Attend demonstrations (74 tests/demos) Assist product developers (185 proposals)
MSHA Committee History Develop Guidance PPL –Not regulation Assist enforcement with evaluation of ERPs Assist SOL with legal issues –RFI in anthracite mines –Coverage in working sections
NIOSH Partnership Assist with contract evaluations Share information Participate with NMA/BCOA communication partnership Share MSHA approval and ERP information
CT Guidance PPL Published in January 2009 Provided guidance for compliance with MINER Act Voice or Text Communications continuous in escapeways and on working section
CT Guidance PPL Redundant Communications 2000’ tracking accuracy in escapeways 200’ tracking accuracy on working section Required coverage in other “strategic areas”
Q and A Documents Original posted in April 2009 Supplemental posted in January 2010 –Based on questions received at stakeholder meetings and elsewhere
Q and A Documents Provided further clarifications MSHA will consolidate and update Q and A documents in near future.
Website Information Current communication and tracking program status Listing of potentially MINER Act compliant MSHA approved products Mine Communication and Tracking Tutorial (courtesy of NIOSH) Policy letters and guidance information (Q and As)
Website Information Consol McElroy final report Presentations and webcast archive from this workshop will be added tracking.asphttp:// tracking.asp
What does the future hold? Installation issues in coming months Updated MINER Act compliance guide (Q and As) MSHA inspection procedures to verify compliance with ERPs
What does the future hold? Technology performance comparison Eventual regulation?
Today’s Agenda Technology Review NIOSH Presentation CT Approval Status ERP Status ERP Issues Panel Discussion Q and A