GRADE DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED 1 ST PERIOD Mean: 83.6% Median: 83% Mode: 82% 4 TH PERIOD Mean: 87.6% Median: 91% Mode: 91%
1. 100% 2. 98% % % 5. 94% % 7. 90% % 9. 98% % % % % TEST ITEM ANALYSIS % % % % % % % 21. Item Thrown Out % % % % % % % % (1/3) – Mode Points Given % (3/4) – Mode Points Given % (2/2) – Mode Points Given % (2/3) – Mode Points Given % (1/2) – Mode Points Given 90% or Greater Answered Correctly65% or Greater Answered Incorrectly Green InkRed Ink
STUDENT #1, JANE* Jane was chosen for the analysis because she was normally maintains the highest grade in the class out of the female students. I wanted to analyze what questions she missed because she did not receive the highest grade in the class. Grade: 95% Questions Missed on Part 1 (True/False): 0 Questions Missed on Part 2 (Matching): 0 Questions Missed on Part 1 (Select Response): 1 - #25 ~ Analysis Questions Missed on Part 1 (Supply Response): 1 - #33 (1/2 PTS) ~ Comprehension
STUDENT #2, JOHN* John was chosen for the analysis because he normally maintains the highest grade in the class out of the male students. I wanted to analyze what questions he missed in comparison to Jane. Grade: 90% Questions Missed on Part 1 (True/False): 0 Questions Missed on Part 2 (Matching): 0 Questions Missed on Part 1 (Select Response): 2 - #16 & #25 ~ Application & Analysis Questions Missed on Part 1 (Supply Response): 2 - #30 (3/4 PTS) ~ Knowledge #31 (1/2 PTS) ~ Comprehension The only question they both missed was #25. More students missed this question than any other question.
RELIABILITY Question #21 had 2 answers The test was given the week after spring break. The unit was split with two weeks of poetry being taught before spring break and a week of poetry being taught spring break. Since I did not add in a day of review (I did give the students a study guide but we did not review it) the students did not remember a couple of key things we already learned about earlier on in the unit. Students were confused about having to analyze two separate poems for questions because there was not a line drawn between the two poems. There should have been a more clearly defined division between the two poems.
VALIDITY Since my test was created before my poetry unit was taught, the test has a relatively high degree of content validity. The only question that had a relatively low degree of content validity was question 29. I assumed that the students already new what a Haiku was, so I did not teach it as in- depth as I should have. The test also has a relatively high degree of construct validity. The test covered all the ILOs I focused on throughout my instruction of the poetry unit. When analyzing the predictive validity of the test, I assumed students who had better grades in the class and turned all of their assignments in would get a better grade, however, those factors seemed to vary by student.
SUMMARY Overall, my instruction was effective. Most of my students did well on the test. All of my Visions classes had a “B” average. Next time I will not make assumptions on what the students do and do not know about forms of poetry. Since I believed the students were already familiar with Haikus I only covered them briefly. If a student missed that day of instruction then they would have missed that question on the test. Before my collaboration class took the test I did a day of review with them. I believed that the Visions students did not need a day of review, however, after looking at the results of the test they would have done better on the test after a day of review. Next time I teach a poetry unit I need to do more poem to poem comparisons. The students struggled with questions because we did not cover how to compare and contrast poetry.