Building links between advice agencies and solicitors in Bedfordshire Len Simkins Bedfordshire Advice Forum
Bedfordshire Advice Forum BAF is the network of not-for-profit, social welfare, advice and information providers in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire
Bedfordshire Advice Forum Bedford Borough Central Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire Hertfordshire Northamptonshire Buckinghamshire Luton Milton Keynes
Bedfordshire Advice Forum Established in to promote and support advice services, through networking, training and support 42 members – CABx, Age UK, housing associations, council advice services, hostels, community organisations – including a number of AdviceUK members
Bedfordshire Advice Forum Forum meetings for members Training courses on advice skills and issues Network meetings for benefit advisers Online Advice Directory Strategic promotion for advice sector –Local Advice Strategies Advice related projects –Solicitors Project BAF website
Advice Strategy Will develop a strategic approach to the funding, commissioning and planning of advice Various action points including: “Develop closer links between the not-for-profit advice sector and other providers” SOLICITORS PROJECT
ADVICE STRATEGY Developing closer links between the not-for-profit advice sector and other providers Local Solicitors Solicitors Project TRANSFORMING LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT Establishing better partnerships with local business community ADVICE UK Supporting local advice networks to develop closer links with solicitors Access to Justice Foundation Project
Closer links with solicitors Benefits for BAF, BAF members, solicitors, and for our clients. Benefits could include: increased awareness of services – from BAF members and solicitors promoting pro bono work from solicitors developing better cross-referrals between BAF members and solicitors discussing joint ventures (eg shared training)
Project plan agreed by BAF Steering Group Funding obtained from TLI Project Support agreed from AdviceUK Consultation at BAF Forum meeting Online survey of BAF members (by AdviceUK) Project sub-group meeting Discussed report on online survey Drafted letter inviting to solicitors to event Feedback obtained from selected solicitors Work completed
Invite solicitors to local events to discuss the benefits of developing closer links with advice agencies Undertake further work: Agree protocols/policies for pro bono sessions Develop other links with local solicitors Extend project to Luton? Apply for further funding Next steps
Learning points Get some funding Use a partnership approach Make sure the aims of the project are clear