getting it right for e ery child Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Briefing on GIRFEC Provisions Lynn Townsend Education /Implementation Lead Scottish Government GIRFEC Team
getting it right for e ery child
getting it right for e ery child Children & Young People (Scotland) Act - GIRFEC GIRFEC policy unchanged – on-going refining and updating Legislation – only aspects of the policy –Named Person –Child’s Plan –Wellbeing Why legislate? –Increase pace of change –Improve consistency across Scotland
getting it right for e ery child Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Introduced April 2013 Passed February 2014 Royal Assent March 2014 Commencement: –Early education and child care hours - summer 2014 –GIRFEC duties – planning for August
getting it right for e ery child GIRFEC Duties in the Act: Part 18. General Section 96. assessment of wellbeing Wellbeing defined – 8 indicators –Safe –Healthy –Achieving –Nurtured –Active –Respected –Responsible –Included
getting it right for e ery child GIRFEC Duties in the Act: Part 4. Named Person Named Person for every child Arrangements 0-5 / 5-18 Information on arrangements Support for the Named Person – Schedule 2 Relevant Authorities Information Sharing Key duties on local authority / health boards/ independent schools / Scottish Prison Service Other public bodies will have duty to cooperate and support
getting it right for e ery child Named Person service Providing a Named Person service identify a suitable Named Person support the role of Named Person make known the arrangements for Named Person - including holidays put in place information sharing arrangements – by/with NP develop partnership arrangements to support the NP functions
getting it right for e ery child GIRFEC Duties in the Act: Part 5. Child’s Plan Requirement to draw up a plan – ‘targeted intervention’ Content of the plan – Minimum Data Set Preparation of the plan Responsibility to prepare Responsibility to manage – Lead Professional Assistance with the plan – Schedule 3 Listed Authorities
getting it right for e ery child Guidance Timeline March Outline Guidance issued July - November – engagement and informal consultation Dec - Jan –review and preparation for formal consultation February – April 2015 – formal consultation August 2015 – issue final draft statutory guidance Commencement August
getting it right for e ery child Next steps? Move from policy implementation to compliance with Act Review systems and practice Use national guidance to develop local protocols and guidance Update training and workforce skills - general / specific Communicate with parents and children Strengthen partnership arrangements and agreements Systems and practice change – not a smooth process
getting it right for e ery child Support for Implementation National Implementation Support Group (NISG) overview of progress learning events materials National GIRFEC Team development of statutory guidance / other guidance links to CPPs / national / professional groups ‘bespoke’ materials
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getting it right for e ery child Discussion points How far has implementation proceeded in your CPP/service? What are the key issues emerging? What are the key issues for children with sensory impairment? What needs to change in your current practice to move towards full implementation? What would help you develop ?