Welcome to the RP CENTRAL- ‘Saints of Blood’ tour. Here you may see what the ‘Saints of Blood’ have to offer, offline. Please Master Kraid with any questions you may have concerning the tour, or the website. RP CENTRAL OFFLINE TOUR VERSION 1. CREATED BY MASTER KRAID.
Navigating the site Creating a Character Taking part in online RPs The forum The Guest book Submitting Our Game plan Links
Navigating the site Navigating the site couldn’t be easier, but just so you don’t miss anything, here’s a quick few tips. –The History page contains all previous Saints of Blood RPs –We’ll put up your character/s if you provide the information required. Check the ‘Join’ page. –The banner at the bottom of the main page depicting the Ambassador is not just for show, it sends you to the Ideas page. –The web ring can be joined for co-operative internet surfing. –Stuff is usually updated regularly, so links that were previously unavailable could be, the next time you take a look on the site. –RP-stories are accepted on the site. Files can be downloaded on the main page Return to menu
Creating a Character here is an example of the Information required when making a character. Please Send the completed information To Master Kraid. This information will be displayed on The web page and we hold no responsibility for this. We do not Pass on any information, just put it up. Return to menu
Taking part in online RPs To take part in online RPs, check the Saints of blood main page for the current Saints of Blood RP, or make your own. To check out older RPs, visit the History page. Return to menu
The forum The forum can be accessed from the link below. The Saints of Blood forum, while part of UCG forum, acts independently as well. Vault of the Sentient Return to menu
The Guest book The Guestbook is a very important aspect in Saints of Blood as the webmaster can see just how the site is going, from the users point of view, and also ideas can be taken into consideration. To view the Guestbook, click here, or view it from the main Saints of Blood pages.hereSaints of Blood Return to menu
Submitting To submit anything Saints of Blood, please send to: Return to menu
Our Game plan There is actually a proper game in the works. It’s a plat former game that you may ask the webmaster for over an IM. It’s a very early version without most coding and it’s very short. There may or may not be a larger version. It depends. Keep your eyes open at any rate. Return to menu
Links Here are a few places I think you should see. Ultimate Computer Games -- Site -- Forum --SiteForum R-TYPE Omega V³nÔmßlªd³ † Wªrr¡Ôr/Master Kraid’s Live Journal Return to menu