Mrs. Ruth September 20, 2014 It was a busy week, but we all worked hard to grow our learning! We finished up learning about the letter Ll and will learn about Uu next week! Have your child check out for learning to create music. Their username is 27 first 6 letters of first name and first 3 letters of lastname. (27ruthmel). Their password is just their lunch number plus three letters (11189mix). We are learning so many new things on our chromebooks to help grow our learning!! Ask your student what he/she did this week to grow their learning?! Please continue to read 80 minutes a week and turn the blue folder in with reading log every Monday! Also be sure to practice sight words!! Have your child retell what they read!! No Birthdays this week! Monday – No School Tuesday – D Gym Wednesday – A Computer Thursday – B Music Friday – Art Mrs. Ruth KC If your child does not know their address and phone number please help them learn it before next Friday !
Your Name Date Please help your child practice their three new sight words. These can be found in their red folder in a ziplock bag. Practice them and keep them in the red folder so new words can be added each week! Happy Birthday to Ella on Sunday, September 21 st !
Your Name Date Your Name Date
Your Name Date Your Name Date