What math do students learn? Second Grade
Focus on Understanding This year’s students will be learning the Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS). One of the most important things about the new standards is that students need to DEEPLY understand math concepts.
Critical Areas The MAFS have Critical Areas for each grade level, these are the main focus of math instruction. For Second Grade, these are: Extending understanding of base-ten notation Building fluency with addition and subtraction Using standard units of measure Describing and analyzing shapes Using grade-level appropriate mathematical practices
Report Card The most important standards for Second Grade are evaluated on the report card: *Demonstrates understanding of place value concepts up to 1,000 *Uses and explains strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems Writes equations to represent number relationships *Measures and estimates length using standard units and tells time to the nearest five minutes Represents and interprets data in line plots, picture graphs, and bar graphs *Knows attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes and partitions circles and rectangles into equal shares *Uses grade-level appropriate mathematical practices *Denotes critical Power Standard for the grade level.
Investigations To help build a deep understanding, we will be spending the majority of our time working with Investigations in Number, Data, and Space.
Investigations in Class In school, students: investigate problems work in collaborative groups use various strategies communicate thinking orally and in writing play educational games
Investigations at Home At home, students may be asked to: practice an activity or game from class collect some information to be used in class solve a few problems and explain how they solved the problems solve problems in more than one way
Helping at Home You can help your child by: reading all of the Family Letters that are sent home helping your child find a place at home to keep game materials and directions that are sent home playing the games together that are sent home
Helping at Home asking your child questions when they are stuck rather than giving them an answer “What do you need to find out?” “How can you get started?” “Have you done anything like this in school?” keeping a positive attitude about math
Helping at Home Online Student and Parent access to math software and Student Math Handbook
Parent Resources Visit the District website’s Elementary Math page for more information about the 2 nd Grade standards, our math program, and how you can assist your child: Visit the Investigations website for games and activities to play online: th/games_index/