USM Hydrographic Science 2004 Class Field Project Upper Pearl River Survey 15 June – 20 July 2004
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey2 GPS Processing Collection For BM positioning, Ashtech Z-Xtreme raw data was collected and submitted to OPUS For Skiff, Bertram and infrastructure positioning, two Ashtech Z-Xtremes (base and rover) collected raw data which was processed in GrafNav Date (DOY)BMSkiffBertramInfrastructure 6/16 (168) 6/17 (169) 6/18 (170) 6/19 (171) 6/20 (172) 6/21 (173) 6/22 (174) 6/23 (175) 6/24 (176) 6/25 (177) 6/28 (180) 6/29 (181) 6/30 (182) 7/01 (183) 7/07 (189) 7/08 (190) 7/19 (201) 7/20 (202) 7/21 (203)
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey3 GPS Processing OPUS Two six-hour data collection sessions were conducted at one benchmark for each tide gauge location (I-10, USGS, SBT, Hancock) Converted from Ashtech U files to RINEX using teqc Submitted to OPUS in RINEX format (slant measurement corrected to vertical height from BM to ARP) OPUS error reported as “peak-to-peak,” which is equivalent to 3.3 I-10 benchmark D unacceptable (under bridge), so benchmark G established
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey4 GPS Processing OPUS LocationX (m) Error (m) 3.3 Y (m) Error (m) 3.3 Z (m) Error (m) 3.3 Mean Latitude ( ‘ “) Mean Longitude ( ‘ “) Ellipsoid Height (m) NAVD 88 Height (m) GEOID03 NGVD 29 Height (m) Corpscon SBT SBT USGS USGS Hancock Hancock I-10 D N/A I-10 D I-10 G I-10 G
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey5 GPS Processing OPUS 11 USM1 base station files submitted to OPUS
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey6 GPS Processing GrafNav
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey7 GPS Processing GrafNav
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey8 GPS Processing GrafNav Quality numbers are described by GrafNav as follows: QualityMeaningAccuracy (m) 1Fixed Integer0.00 – Converged Float or Noisy Fixed Integer 0.05 – Converging Float0.20 – Converging Float0.50 – DGPS1.00 – DGPS2.00 – 10.00
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey9 GPS Processing GrafNav 3 GrafNav export scripts were created –Bertram, Skiff, xyz (infrastructure) All data were exported as UTM 16 Eastings and Northings For Bertram and Skiff navigation, all solutions with standard deviations greater than 2 meters and/or with quality numbers 4, 5 or 6 were excluded from import into CARIS For infrastructure positioning, all solutions were used in conjunction with aerial photography and redrawn
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey10 GPS Processing GrafNav
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey11 GPS Processing GrafNav
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey12 GPS Processing GrafNav
Processing: Multibeam Katie Reser