Mine Reclamation and Enforcement Director Billy A. Ratliff Office Cell
TOP COAL VIOLATIONS CITED 2011 Water Monitoring458 Off-Permit Disturbance330 Sediment Control Water Monitoring486 Surface Water347 Sediment Control (8/31/13) Water Monitoring193 Off-Permit Disturbance134 Sediment Control120
Explosives and Blasting
Average = 2 UE /Month
Non coal permits are required under 405 KAR Chapter 5 for mineral operations including: mining of sand and gravel, limestone, dolomite, clay, tar sand or rock asphalt, fluorspar and other vein minerals, as well as surface disturbances associated with dredging of river or creek sand and gravel.Non coal permits are required under 405 KAR Chapter 5 for mineral operations including: mining of sand and gravel, limestone, dolomite, clay, tar sand or rock asphalt, fluorspar and other vein minerals, as well as surface disturbances associated with dredging of river or creek sand and gravel.
Permit Review Procedures Non coal permit reviews are conducted by Mark Tarter and Jeff Hall. Once the two permit reviewers have determined that an application has met the requirements of 405 KAR Chapter 5, Wes Jones will conduct a secondary review of the application to insure consistency and verify compliance with all regulations prior to final approval by the Director.Non coal permit reviews are conducted by Mark Tarter and Jeff Hall. Once the two permit reviewers have determined that an application has met the requirements of 405 KAR Chapter 5, Wes Jones will conduct a secondary review of the application to insure consistency and verify compliance with all regulations prior to final approval by the Director.
Permit Review Criteria 1)The permit application must be accurate, complete, and in compliance with the requirements of 405 KAR Chapter 5. 2)The mineral operations proposed, can be carried out under the method of operation outlined in the permit application and in a manner that will satisfy all requirements of 405 KAR Chapter 5.
Regulation Change March, KAR Chapter 5:032 Section 8 Map Requirements now allow for the submission of a USGS map or equivalent format for non-coal permit applications. The scale requirement has not changed, but the map may be in any format which is equivalent to a USGS map (ex. aerial photography) provided that it contains everything typically shown in a USGS map and includes all information required in the mapping specifications of this regulation.405 KAR Chapter 5:032 Section 8 Map Requirements now allow for the submission of a USGS map or equivalent format for non-coal permit applications. The scale requirement has not changed, but the map may be in any format which is equivalent to a USGS map (ex. aerial photography) provided that it contains everything typically shown in a USGS map and includes all information required in the mapping specifications of this regulation.