The Value of AGA Membership
Are You Connected? AGA CONNECTS YOU WITH Networking Opportunities Education and Training Professional Certification Professional Development Standards and Research
Networking Opportunities Being a member of the only association representing all the disciplines in government financial management Knowing leaders in government financial management profession Networking with peers and colleagues
Education & Training National Events Professional Development Training (PDT) National Leadership Training CFO-CIO Summit Government Performance Summit Federal Financial Systems Summit Internal Control & Fraud Prevention Training Web Conferences GFM Courses Journal CPE online Becker online courses
Education & Training Chapter Events Local professional development events Seminars Workshops Web Conferences Monthly Meetings
CGFM Professional Certification New rules of government accountability call for financial managers who have a broad knowledge of the government environment… the big picture CGFM provides the only certification specifically designed for financial management professionals working in and for government
CGFM Professional Certification To Become Certified Education – Bachelor's degree or higher Experience – Two years of professional work experience Examination – Pass three examinations To Stay Certified Adhere to AGA’s Code of Ethics Obtain 80 CPEs every two years Pay renewal fee every year
Professional Development Build leadership skills as a Chapter Officer, National Officer, Committee/Board Chair Develop communications skills as speaker Gain access to individuals working at governments’ highest levels Learn methods and techniques used by other financial managers to solve work-related problems and challenges
Professional Development Academic scholarships for you or your family members Use your unique financial management skills for community service activities Professional recognition by peers and colleagues Write articles for AGA publications on new ideas and best practices in government financial management
Professional Development Read the Journal of Government Financial Management to obtain information on current events, ideas and best practices in the government financial management profession Access to AGA’s online Career Center resources Read Topics weekly to keep up-to-date on AGA activities, events and industry information Connect with your Chapter. Read their newsletter to stay up on the local activities and events.
Industry Standards & Research Make contributions to the profession by: Commenting on government financial management standards Conducting and publishing research on government financial management
Connect with Participate in online discussions via Twitter and network with fellow professionals via LinkedIn Chapter and National Leadership positions and committees provide opportunities to get involved and develop leadership skills AGA members connect with peers at 100 local chapter events and national events