Descriptive Analysis Database Archive monitoring network locations, climate, emissions, wildfires, census, political, physical, and image databases Databases will help us build conceptual models and answer descriptive analysis questions by visualizing data (e.g. map emissions densities) Assist us in the general and detailed description of the meteorological setting of each site Over 120 GB of data archived at DRI
Causes of Haze IMPROVE Study Sites
Sources of Data Air quality networks (data archived from VIEWS) –IMPROVE and IMPROVE protocol sites –EPA Speciation Trends sites Other networks (no data archived) –State/local agency SLAMS/NAMS/PAMS sites PM 10, PM 2.5, SO 2, O 3, CO, NO x, met –CASTNet –Special studies (CRPAQS, CCOS, Mohave, Bravo, etc.)
IMPROVE, IMPROVE protocol and PM 2.5 sites
Sources of Data Existing meteorological data for 60 networks (data not archived) –State/local agency sites –NWS surface and upper air sites –RAWS –NWS Cooperative observers –Department of Defense Climate data (data archived) –Gridded monthly precipitation for US
Meteorological Networks
Annual Precipitation around Grand Canyon National Park
Sources of Data Emissions (data archived) –WRAP 1996 point, mobile, area sources –National Fire data point locations –USDA fire locations from MODIS satellite –BLM fire locations for Alaska –Canadian wildfires –Carnegie Mellon ammonia inventory –2000 street, airport and railroad centerlines –Sources inferred from landuse/landcover data –Sources inferred from satellite imagery and aerial photos
WRAP 1996 Point Source Inventory
Emissions surrounding Saguaro Wildfires include those from 1988 to 1999
Wildfires surrounding the Gila Wilderness in 2000
Sources of Data Physical and land cover data (data archived) –USGS digital elevation data at 10m, 30m, 90m and 1 km resolutions –USGS STATSGO soils –Limited SSURGO soil data –Census Bureau water bodies, rivers, streams –Vegetation from various agencies –Satellite imagery (Landsat 5 imagery circa 1990 for all of US and recent MODIS for some areas)
Landuse surrounding Saguaro circa 1992
Visualizing the Tucson urban area Saguaro West Saguaro East Tucson N Landsat 5 image circa 1990 draped over 30 meter DEM
Sources of Data Political data –Census Bureau 2000 state, county, urban area, and zip codes boundaries –Census Bureau 2000 census blocks and tract boundaries and demographic data –Land ownership from various state agencies –State, federal and tribal land boundaries from various agencies
Site Questionnaire Site location and history (most of this is available via IMPROVE metadata) UTM or lat/long coordinate; accuracy of coordinate; how coordinate was collected Elevation of site When did the site start or stop? Changes in monitor/filter technique Is it collocated with a scene camera? Site photos Site operator(s) Distance to other class I areas Did the site move over the years?
Site Questionnaire Physical setting: terrain, land use and land cover Approximate slope surrounding site (percent) Aspect surrounding site (0-360 degrees, 0 = facing north, 90 = facing east) What is the dominant land cover surrounding the site? What is the dominant land use surrounding the site? Describe land ownership surrounding the site Tallest natural or man-made structures nearest to site (note exposure to surrounding terrain) Distance to land features such as bodies of water (from lakes to oceans), canyons, etc. (note elevations) Describe surrounding terrain features keeping the different landscape scales in mind
Site Questionnaire Sources (note distances, direction and activity levels) Roads within 2 km (paved, unpaved, parking lots) Structures within 2 km (residences/lodging, public and restricted access facilities) Towns, cities or settlements Industrial source areas and point sources Agricultural areas Seasonal anthropogenic sources Disturbed vacant land Distance to natural sources
Site Questionnaire Meteorology and Climatology Surrounding surface meteorological stations; name of network; what parameters are collected? Closest air quality station; name of network; what parameters are collected? Describe generally how wind flow patterns are modified by various land features at difference scales Describe diurnal differences in wind flows Describe seasonal differences in wind flows, meteorological events (note fogs, snow, rain) Could the site be influenced by inversions? Any historical field study data?
Draft Descriptive Database
Meteorological Networks Next task: Add capability to perform queries to the database using a search radius
Meteorological Conditions Database contains specific events and affect extinction
Linking conditions The database can assist in the identification of meteorological conditions based on a physical attribute
Draft Causes of Haze Website Modeled after VIEWS website Developed and managed at DRI Possible URL
Test sites Hawaii (Volcanic NP) Denali NP San Gorgonio WA Upper Buffalo WA Saguaro NP (both sites) Big Bend NP Mount Ranier NP Grand Canyon (all sites) Boundary Waters WA
Next Steps Populate descriptive analysis database from existing data sources Populate web site with test site Publish draft web site on DRI web server Incorporate new databases as they are made available (e.g. WRAP In/Near Emissions)