U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Progress for Africa GCEV2 Jun Xiong 19 March, 2015
Promotion of Tanzania Products Demonstration of GCP(1-4)-QKM, Tanzania, 2014 to local government officials on Mar 5 th, by FAO collaborator Agreement of data sharing signed between USGS and FAO. Moving ahead: 1) Training local officers to collect ground points using mobile app 2) Pilot 30m products in 1-2 regions of Tanzania for field- scale application & validation before this July
Field work in Pietersmertizburg, South Africa Prasad visited South Africa in early March. Samples created based on ground investigation, photos and Google Earth
Field work in Pietersmertizburg, South Africa
Reference map in Tanzania, 2013 Done by ICRISAT collaborator Expert supervised-SMTs Details about crop type/intensity, irrigated/rainfed, consistent with GFSAD scheme Help to refine our products Help to pilot work in Tanzania 30m products
Landuse map in KNZ province, South Africa, 2011 Using SPOT5 data(20m) Provided by KZN wildlife Different categories Also available in 2008 aerial photos, ground points available Help to refine our products
Comparable with FAO statistics? GCP2014: GCP4-QKM, Africa, 2014, v1 (Reproject) FAOStat: summed up "Harvest area" of aggregated crops classes Nigeria Congo_DRC South Sudan Tanzania
Problems Sub-pixel Area on 250m pixels (Prasad 2007) Repeated computing in FAO statistics Single / double crops aggregation Thenkabail, P. S., Biradar, C. M., Noojipady, P., Cai, X., Dheeravath, V., Li, Y., … Pandey, S. (2007). Sub-pixel Area Calculation Methods for Estimating Irrigated Areas. Sensors, 7, 2519–2538.