Bronx Science Speech & Debate General Interest Meeting September 21, 2015
Famous Speech & Debaters
Tournaments Colleges -Harvard -Yale -Princeton -Emory -University of Texas States -Connecticut -Massachusetts -New Jersey -Florida -Kentucky -Montana -Iowa -Illinois -Texas
Policy Debate Leadership Carmen Cheung ‘16 and Ian Goldstein ’16- Captains Kenji Yeoh ‘16 and Sophia Zhao ’17- Novice Directors General Information -Also referred to as C-X or Cross Examination due to 3- minute questioning period after each constructive speech -Partner debate with one team versus another -One topic per year -This year’s topic: SURVEILLANCE Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially curtail its domestic surveillance.
Lincoln Douglas Debate Leadership John Staunton ‘16 and Rainy Rosch ’17- Captains Eve Frangopolous ‘16 and Zoe Posner ’17- Novice Directors General Information -Also referred to as LD -Individual debate with one person versus another -Places a heavy emphasis on logic, ethical values, and philosophy -Varied topics that are changed every two months -September/October 2015 topic: Resolved: Adolescents ought to have the right to make autonomous medical choices.
Public Forum Debate Leadership Alec Bardey ‘16 and Josh Zakharov ’17- Captains Claudia Franke ‘16 and Maya Osman-Krinsky ’17- ND General Information -Also known as PF -Partner debate with one team versus another -Focuses on making persuasive and logical arguments in a manner accessible to a wide variety of audiences -Varied topics that change every month -This month’s topic: RACIAL JUSTICE Resolved: The United States federal government ought to pay reparations to African Americans.
Congressional Debate Leadership Eve Alterman ‘16 and Adam Shaham ’17- Captains Mohammed Nehmeh ‘17 and Michael Miller ’18- ND General Information -Also known as Congress (CON) -Individual debate with one person versus an entire room -Simulates the U.S. Congress -A mix between Speech and Debate -Varied topics that change from tournament to tournament and are based on student submitted bills -Students typically debate 2 to 3 topics per session with 3 sessions in the preliminary round -Sample bill topics: Data Security, Education, Immigration, Green Energy, Healthcare, Defense, Economic Ventures, Nuclear Arms, Law Enforcement, Drugs, Foreign Intervention, etc.
Speech Leadership Cameron Burger ‘16 and Maddy Abrahams ‘16- Captains Meryem Berrada ‘16, Garnet Garcia ’16, Hunter Sadoff ’17- ND General Information Public Address Declamation Extemporaneous Speaking Original Oratory Interpretation HumorousDramaticOral Prose Poetry -Multiple Events to participate in that vary from individual to team -Focuses on delivery as opposed to content
After the Meeting (option 1) In order to join the team you must join the Google Group that corresponds to the squad of your choice. Policy: Public Forum: Lincoln Douglas: Congress: Speech: Be sure to sign up by Friday, September 25 th at 12 PM.
After the Meeting (option 2) In order to join the team you must fill out the following Google Form with your choice in a squad. [Insert sample photo of Google Form] [Insert link (can easily be created via a website like tiny URL to say whatever we want it to i.e. “”)] The above link will also be posted on the school website under the Speech and Debate tab. Be sure to sign up by Friday, September 25 th at 12 PM.