+ VP Communications Report Azra Avdagic October 14 th, 2012
+ What have we been up to? Bethany’s Hope: Project Hope 5k Run/Walk/Crawl Cosmic Gate Access Copyright Review of Policies and Constitutions
+ Social Media 1,105 1,047
+ Updates… Yearbook Commissioner Position Filled: Chris Ginou This year’s Yearbook (Gradbook) will only be available to Graduates, free with $25 sitting fee Modern Languages (French) Representative: no applicants All members of Promo Team have been selected Participated in myKUCSC video Busy selling tickets and promoting King’s Ball and COSMIC GATE Yearbook CommissionerPromo Team Complete
+ Communications Committee Discussed resources for the Regis, including a long-term investment through an Access Copy Right Grant Future direction of the Regis Ideas about new website For future: Potential changes to website Access Copy Right Grant Increasing communication cross-campus
+ KUCSC Online Improvements: Book your events online! Take advantage of Advertising Form New Website: Launching this month Resource Centre=easier access and more user friendly format to online forms and resources Gallery on website? News Feed: regular updates from Executive and other Councilors Online Forum
+ Website is up! New issue printed in November Looking for Copy Editors: Write for the Regis!
+ Media! COSMIC GATE Advertising Buy tickets online, King’s Connection, Western Connections Look for contests on Facebook and on Twitter For November: Regis, Gazette + CHRW Coverage myKUCSC video filmed!
+ Council Shirts Different styles: Men’s and Women’s Green Screen Print on Grey Shirts Pre-Ordered: have until Wednesday, October 24 th to pay for them
+ Constitutional Review: Ad-Hoc Committee Striking of Ad-Hoc Committee for Constitutions and Policies Review Speaker, at least 4 Elected Council Members + 2 Appointed Not a review of grammar and mistakes in constitution Committee will make recommendations to Council on Constitutional Clauses Need to keep Constitution up to date: including making necessary changes
+ Platform Points Elections Policy Online Resource Centre Reaching out to Media Residence Council Improvement of Website Promoting Academic Events KUCSC Visibility
+ Coming Up! Video Release KUCSC Website Release King’s Connection Website Release (Meeting with IT on Monday) Your Council Shirts! COSMIC GATE! Awareness Weeks!
+ Contact Me!