Planning Your Membership Development For District 5810
Your Facilitators Howard Templin, Chair Krista Hartman Rick Pietrykowski Randy Watkins District 5810
Governor Message District Governor Bill Dendy District 5810
Goals of MD Planning Workshop Help guide Membership Development Teams in creating a robust Membership Development Process for your club Facilitate your creating an action plan outline for your club Promote Sharing of Membership Development Ideas Between Clubs District 5810
District 5810 Membership Trend NET LOSS IN 10 YEARS NET LOSS IN 5 YEARS District 5810 RETENTION IS A MAJOR ISSUE!
How’s District 5810 Doing? Good News! Currently 5810 is +5 year to date! Good News! 25 Clubs have grown! We made good progress this Year from net negative to positive! Bad News! 39 Clubs have lost or stayed the same. 39 Clubs have more work to do! District 5810
So How’s Your Club Doing? District 5810 Check it out on Rotary Club Central
What Do We Need To Do? District 5810
If you don’t have a MD Chair & Committee create one! Evaluate Your Club Create a Vision For Your Club Develop a Plan to Attract New Members Develop a Plan to Engage Your Members Mentor a New Club District 5810 What Are The Steps To Creating A MD Plan?
You must know where your club is in order to create a meaningful plan Go to Rotary Club Central to find your demographics Use Club Assessment Tools Do a member satisfaction survey District 5810 Determine Where Your Club Is Now
Do a Classification Survey Evaluate your club from a visitor’s perspective Host a Focus Group Complete the Termination Profile District 5810 Determine Where Your Club Is Now
Create a Vision Use GATE-Way to create a 3 to 5 year strategic plan including a Vision statement Use GATE-Way create goals for diversity and personality of members (number of members, average age, cultural mix of ethnicity and genders). District 5810
Create a Vision Use GATE-Way to include a variety of perspectives, involving the full club or a diverse representation of your club's membership (Past, current and incoming club leaders for larger clubs) District 5810
Create a Recruitment Plan Teach members to feel comfortable talking about Rotary whoever they meet! Create a list of target prospects & find members who will contact them Start/engage a Rotaract or Interact club. Select a qualified Member to manage your website. District 5810
Do You Have a Prospect Target List? Invite Prospects to Service Projects, Events & Social Functions. Don’t Depend On Only Meetings. Flexible Meeting Times & Locations? Lower Fees & Dues? Are You Coordinating With Your PR Chair? District 5810 How Will You Attract New Members?
Create a Retention Plan & Engage Your Members Set up a program to identify and contact members missing meetings and functions Set up a new member on-boarding program with mentors to help integrate new members into the club Have social functions at least every 2 months. These are great opportunity for bonding, recruitment and meeting family & friends Have projects that respond to members’ passions District 5810
Evaluate Club’s Retention Stats Develop Retention Plan! New Member On-boarding New Member Mentors Finding Members Passions & Getting Them Involved In Those Area Make Room for New Members’ Ideas District 5810 Retention Is Essential
Develop an Action Plan to Create Progress Within Your Club Use “Strengthening Your Membership – Creating Your Membership Development Plan” Build Multi-Year Development Program Build Multi-Year Team Rotation District 5810 Plan to Achieve Your Goals
Refer to your MD Plan Worksheet Group 1 - What are your ideas on ways to evaluate your club? Group 2 – What are your ideas on creating a vision for your club? Group 3 – How can you attract new members? District 5810 Let’s Start Planning!
Group 4 – How can you engage new and existing members? Group 5 – What are you thoughts & ideas on mentoring a new club? Open Forum – Share other ideas District 5810 Let’s Start Planning!
Tools & Resources 5810 Membership Development Resources 5810 MD Home Page on District Webpage District Resources – Club Runner Membership Development Home Page Rotary Club Central on Rotary International Website RI MD - NEW! RI Demographic tool NEW! Multi-Club Training by Cad re District 5810
Let’s Be A Gift To The World! District 5810
Questions District 5810