Lactose Intolerance: The Study of Enzyme Function and Why Milk Makes Some People Sick by Lacey Howard
Do you have problems digesting…
What is lactose intolerance? Regular milk contains a high concentration of lactose (and not glucose) and requires a special enzyme called lactase for digestion. Lactose intolerance is the deficiency in lactase to where your body produces little to none of the enzyme, causing the inability to digest lactose. If the lactose is not broken down into simpler sugars, unpleasant symptoms may arise.
Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance Diarrhea Nausea, and sometimes, vomiting Abdominal cramps Bloating Gas
How does lactase aid in the digestion of lactose?
Who is usually lactose intolerant? Eskimos American Indians sub-Saharan Africans Mediterraneans Near Eastern groups (i.e. Indian, Southeastern and East Asian descent) Jews Pacific groups 75% of the world is lactose intolerant
Who is usually lactose tolerant? Northern Europeans Americans (due to mixing of ethnicities) Milk-dependent pastoralists Arabs of Saudi Arabia Tussi of Africa
Theories as to why the lactase gene turns off Facilitate weaning and shorten a child’s dependence on the parent for lactation In adults, prevents competition of adults with infants for food Evolved as a defense mechanism against intestinal infections
How do glucose test strips work? Two special enzymes in the test strips react with glucose sugar only and not lactose The test strips will not react to regular milk that has not been treated with lactase enzyme, because regular milk has only lactose in it.
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