QoS/QoE management in Home Network For collaboration among PSOs DOCUMENT #:GSC13-GTSC6-06 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:TTA AGENDA ITEM:GTSC; 4.3; Home Networking CONTACT(S):HYUNGSOO KIM Submission Date: July 1, 2008
2 Highlight of Current Activities PG 204 of TC2, TTA –TTAS.KO –QoS interworking in heterogeneous network environment Different network technologies could be concatenated to cover end-to-end continuity ATM (I.356), IP (Y.1541), FR (X.146) Being mapped to specific ATM, IP and Frame Relay QoS classses for UNI-to-UNI portions In Resolution GSC-12/20 : Home Networking –Recognizing ; that QoS expectations/requirements from users apply to a wider set of services, and are technologies/networks independent Home Network becomes a part of end-to-end QoS/QoE management –UNI is not the demarcation points any more –HRACF document has been developed in NGN GSI of ITU-T
3 Strategic Direction To support the efficient and consistent end-to-end QoS/QoE management, QoS/QoE aspects of those technologies being used in Home Network should be identified and mapped –Especially mapping with IP Access and Core networks –Resources control under various Home environments considering various devices which have different service capabilities (Mobile) WiMAX IP WiFiEthernet 3G DCT Bluetooth IP Core
4 Challenges Each technology has developed by his/her own purpose and philosophy (wired/wireless, fixed/mobile, for voice/multimedia, long/short distance, etc.) Different network technologies have different QoS classes, performance parameters, performance objectives, example of applications/services –WiMAX (IEEE ) : UGS, rt-PS, nrt-PS and BE –3G (UMTS) : Conversational, streaming, interactive and background –WiFi (IEEE 802.1d) : 0 ~ 7 class –WiFi (IEEE e) : 1 ~ 7 class –IP (ITU-T Y.1541) : 0 ~ 7 class –ATM (ITU-T I.356) : 1 ~ 5 class –WiBro : Real time polling, non-real time polling and BE –Mean Transfer delay, Maximum Delay, quantile, quantile,..
5 Next Steps/Actions PSOs having a responsibility to develop a specific standard for those protocols and QoS/QoE aspects, should take into account the mapping system among different technologies for Home Network For the development of new technologies, it should be considered the collaboration among PSOs, e.g. RACF in Home Network On the next revision of TTAS.KO document in TTA, the mapping table and rationale of Home Network-related protocols will be added
6 Proposed Resolution No need to change current Resolution in Res. GSC-12/20