ECOMM 2014 HOW MM POLICY HAS BEEN INTEGRATED IN SUMP IN ILE-DE-France REGION Région Ile-de-France Direction des Transports Nathalie GRANES
1. What is at stake 2. MM strategy implementation 3. Integration into the new SUMP 2
1.What is at stake 3
Ile-de-France Region 11.8 M inhabitants 5.6 M jobs About 1,600 collectivities 12,000 km 2 4
Mobility in IDF Region in 2010 : more than 41 millions trips per day (source :EGT 2010) MODAL SPLIT 38% (16M) 39% (16,6M) 2% (0,650M) 20% (8M) 1. What is at stake + 7% by
6 Mainly short distances 64% of trips are less than 3 km And 22% of car trips are less than 1 km! 1. What is at stake
7 28% of total trips But 41% Long distance trips 61 % are made by car 1.2 person by car in average Commuting trips 1. What is at stake
8 Transport is the 2 nd factor of Greenhouse Gaz Emissions 1. What is at stake
Hours spent 80 mn/day spent in transport 68 mn/day for commuting trips 9
1975 Commuting distances increase with urban sprawl 10
1982 Commuting distances increase with urban sprawl 11
1990 Commuting distances increase with urban sprawl 12
1999 Commuting distances increase with urban sprawl 13
What solutions to face the transport challenge ? The « GRAND PARIS » project 1. What is at stake 14
2. MM implementation’s strategy 15
Starting point : COMMERCE European project Promote Company Travel Plans all over Europe Define common standards to get high qualityTPs Provide tools to help companies develop TPs: training sessions, methodological guide, quality standards 2. MM strategy 16
2 nd step : (2009) A Regional policy dedicated to Travel Plans Adapt and implement COMMERCE tools Regional approach to get high visibility Quantitative and qualitative objectives 2. MM strategy 17
Focus on Area’s Mobility Plans (scale effect and regional visibility) Create a new dynamic around Mobility Plans by developing networks and Mobility advisors Communicate under the regional brandname Pro’Mobilité for higher visibility 2.MM strategy A regional strategy 18
Governance and networking at Regional scale Tools Funding 2.MM strategy An implementation supported by 3 types of interventions 19
Gather public and private partners working together to create incentives and motivate companies to involve in TPs Governance at regional scale 2.MM strategy 20
Networking at the different scales Regional level, Operational level, referent within the organisation Mobility advisors Interface between regional and local level 2. MM strategy 21
A visual identity (flyers, posters, folders…) Pro’Mobilité Tools A website A guide « How to make a successful TP 2. MM strategy 22
In progress : monitoring and evaluation tool (linked with national tool) Videos Annual forum 2. MM strategy Pro’Mobilité Tools Tailored training on mobility advice 23
Up to 60% Mobility advisors Jobs financed during the first 3 years Support the action plan FUNDING Financial aids to develop concrete actions 2. MM strategy 24
3. Integration into the new SUMP 25
The revision of the SUMP: a great opportunity (launched in 2008) - Institutional evolution: Region IDF’s responsability - Legislative evolution: Travel Plans in SUMP - Regional context: Revision of all planning documents 3. Integration in the SUMP 26
Contenu et objectifs du PDUIF Through mandatory compatibility links SUMP is at the crossroad of all the landuse and transport policies in IDF 3. Integration in the SUMP 27
How MM networks took advantage of all these opportunities - Feedback from our MM networks : datas and arguments - Active mobilisation of all networks - Collective and coherent message around MM stakes - Highlight what has been done 3. Integration in the SUMP 28
- 9 challenges included one dedicated to MM - More open to alternative mobilities : biking, walking car services, better articulation between urban projects and transport infrastructure… 3. Integration in the SUMP The new SUMP : a recognition ……. 29
3. Integration in the SUMP 9 challenges and 34 actions LAND USE AND TRANSPORT PLANNING PT WALK BIKE New car use Governance and management Mobility management Urban freight and logsitic Road accessibility 30
- MM networks identified as leaders for the challenge - Pro’Mobility training labeled SUMP - MM actions included in local planning documents for operational implementation - Many requests to introduce MM stakes in seminars and conferences 3. Integration in the SUMP ……………..and a springboard for MM 31
A new framework for regional transport policies Regional Plan for a Sustainable Mobility To match SUMP’s objectives and impulse a new dynamic SUMP PRMD 3. Integration in the SUMP 32
The 12 framework policies of the PRMD 3. Integration in the SUMP MM policy 33
The Regional MM policy 1.Support diagnosis and implementation of school and Area Mobility Plans 2.Support development of mobility advice in Ile-de-France 3.Support development of new mobility services (carsharing/carpooling, work at home) 3. Integration in the SUMP 34
Thanks for your attention Nathalie GRANES