SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMES GOAL To ensure access, and promote active participation of learners in sports, arts and culture in schools.
OBJECTIVES (SCHOOLS SPORT) Strengthening sport in the curriculum through national programmes; Developing a legislative and policy framework with regard to school sport; Ensure access to adequate sporting facilities at school level. Creating partnerships for sport development. Ensure a co-ordinated framework for competitive sports.
OBJECTIVES (ARTS & CULTURE) Strengthening arts and culture in the implementation of the curriculum (RNCS). Creating partnerships for development. Promoting cultural activities and displays.
Current Realities The great divide between historically advantaged and historically disadvantaged schools; The lack of opportunities provided to learners to participate in school sports and arts and culture programmes; An imbalance in the extent to which sport is played as part of the curriculum, as part of extra- curricular programmes and at a competitive level;
Current Realities cont. The non-availability of adequately trained educators to teach sports, arts and culture; The poor levels of infrastructure in many of our schools.
PROJECTS National Audit: School Sport, Arts and Culture Relokologile National Athletics for All Celebration of Different Cultural Genres by Schools Programme on ‘Amasiko’ as told by elders TRANSNET – DoE Project National School Sport Policy and Legislative Framework - School Sport - Statutory Body
PROJECTS – Discussions Arebapaleng: Schools’ Ball Games Daimler Chrysler: Art Exhibition for learners School Sport Strategy Support for Life Orientation Educators Framework for sharing of Sporting facilities
National Audit: School Sport, Arts and Culture The intention is to establish data- base on the state of school sports, arts and culture in the provinces. Progress: –· Financial resources secured from DfID –· CSIR appointed as Service provider –· Field-work started on 8 September – expected to be completed on 30 September 2003.
Promoting cultural activities and displays Intention is to profile different types of indigenous arts and cultures Progress: Celebration of South African Music Week (SAMW) in- school programme. DoE, DAC and MIDI Trust launched the SAMW – 12 August 2003 Music Week in-school programmes: Successfully launched in North West, Mpumalanga and Free State (August 2003)
Promoting cultural activities and displays cont. Celebrating indigenous music and dance and emerging talents in schools. Progress: Schools Indigenous Music and Dance Festival planned for 21 March 2004 Guidelines Document for schools – to be developed.
Relokologile: National Athletics for ALL The intention is to encouraging ALL learners to participate in athletics activities organised at school, circuit, district, regional, and provincial and culminating in a national athletics meeting. Progress The proposal to implement the initiative in partnership with USSASA has been approved by the DoE Provinces have been informed and commenced planning for March/April 2004.
Legislative Framework To provide a framework for the promotion and organisation of school sport in South Africa. Progress The two Ministers (DoE and SRSA) have met. The two DGs are finalising the draft document for the Ministers
Successes National implementation structures established – all provinces are represented Quarterly meetings held to discuss challenges, progress and strategies Secured additional financial resources Partnership initiatives – with other Departments – DAC, SRSA, SC and DWAF.
Siyathokoza Ro livhuwa ngamaanda!