Fritz Geissler Debbie Grosser Sue Land Dale Pennell
Description Elluminate is a Web tool that enables users to meet or learn on-line in an interactive, real-time setting that duplicates many elements of face-to- face interaction. Synchronous events also can be translated into asynchronous recordings available to viewers.
Features Interactive whiteboard/sharing of applications Multimedia delivery of content Transfer of all types of files Audio and video interaction Synchronous web tours
Features Text feature A live polling tool Breakout rooms The ability to record sessions
Educational Applications Live Instruction/ Professional Development Content Development Tutoring Programs Student Collaboration
Educational Applications Meetings Virtual Office Hours Student/Parent Orientation Remote Guest Speakers/ Virtual Field Trips
Affordances Cost Reduction Versatility Flexibility Geographic Accessibility
Affordances Productivity Accountability Student Achievement Teacher Retention On-Line Learning Communities
Constraints Access to computers Access to broadband internet services Technology skills Technology support Firewalls/filters