Teaching with Synchronous and Asynchronous Technologies Elluminate, Camtasia & more Devon Mordell, RIVET
Roadmap Groundwork: Synchronous & Asynchronous Case Study Camtasia Elluminate BREAK (brake)
Distributed times - e.g. Blogs & wikis - IAIA Discussion forums Lecture capture (recorded) Learning management systems* Simultaneous, live - e.g. Web conferencing Video conferencing Chat Classroom response systems Synchronous & Asynchronous Asynchronous Synchronous Overcome Distance Overcome Time Constraints
Strengths & Challenges In small groups, discuss: Synchronous: Strengths (1) Synchronous: Challenges (2) Asynchronous: Strengths (3) Asynchronous: Challenges (4)
Usage Scenarios Is an asynchronous or synchronous technology suited to your current teaching situation? Large lecture Small group or PBL tutorial Hands-on demonstration of skills Etc. …
About Camtasia What it does: PPTAUDIO+VIDEO
About Camtasia Lecture Capture… LIVE EVENTRECORDING PrimarySecondary “Zeppelin Rules!” Primary Studio (e.g. your office)
Hands-on practice: Camtasia Two ‘tasks’ – recording & editing 1. Tab in PowerPoint
Produce your presentation…
Break time… Take 10 minutes to stretch and return refreshed & invigorated
About Elluminate What it does: Image credit: Lokal Profil Real-time communication With audio, PPT, video, polling & collaboration tools
About Elluminate Required: Computer with Java Wired internet connection Headset Cost to use: Nada, zip, zilch
Hands-on practice: Elluminate Search for ‘Devon’
Hands-on practice: Elluminate Using Elluminate as a Virtual Office: Whiteboard pre-load with office hours Use ‘Away’ Button (!) Minimal view keeps it in the background ‘Raise Hand Upon Entering’ option Include link in your signature
Choose your own case study… Develop a problem that speaks to your experience as an instructor Work in pairs to strategize how you might use Camtasia or Elluminate to resolve it Share with the group
Subjectives So… what did you take away today Skills Knowledges and knowing Neat factoids You
Follow-up resources Elluminate – moderator ID & training Consultations Teaching with Technology Community of Practice – hosted by CLL