Homeostasis: A question of Balance SBI4U Biology
Claude Bernard, 1865: "La fixité du milieu intérieur est la condition d'une vie libre et indépendente" "The constancy of the internal environment is the condition for a free and independent life”. This is still the underlying principle of homeostasis today.
What’s there to balance? Every internal factor: responds to some external stimulus must stay within certain limits must be regulated automatically must adjust quickly HOMEO = The same STASIS = state Keeping things within a range of tolerance allows organisms to live
Consider your thermostat: Automatic, responsive, fast… keeps room temperature within an acceptable range….
Your body’s responses: Must be equally responsive STIMULI are picked up by RECEPTORS which send signals to a COORDINATING CENTRE that sends new signals to an EFFECTOR that will RESPOND to the stimulus STIMULUS Receptor Coordinator Effector RESPONSE
Feedback Systems: Operate all homeostatic responses Negative feedback loops eliminate the stimulus Positive feedback loops reinforce the stimulus.
Components of a Feedback Loop: Receptors: have contact with the external environment Coordinators: the traffic cops of your homeostasis. Effectors: many & varied, & carry out a response. All interconnected
Types of Receptors: Chemoreceptors: respond to chemical stimuli (taste, smell, blood CO2…) Mechanoreceptors: respond to movement (touch) Photoreceptors: respond to light (vision) Thermoreceptors: respond to hot & cold (skin) Pressure Receptors: respond to pressure (muscle, deep tissue, blood vessels…) Proprioceptors: respond to muscle tension, joint/limb position
Two systems provide connections: ENDOCRINE consisting of glands & hormones NERVOUS consisting of CENTRAL brain & spinal cord, and PERIPHERAL nerves & ganglia.
The connections work in three ways: ENDOCRINE is long-distance communication, via blood, between a gland & its TARGET ORGAN NEURAL is direct connection, neurons to target cells PARACRINE is close-by communication, between neighbouring cells
You rely on both systems constantly Some responses, like Ovulation, are strictly endocrine Others, like Pain Reflex, are strictly nervous Many are a combination, like Sweating.
Feedback Example: Pupillary Reflex of the eye allows for rapid adjustment to even slight changes in light levels.
Feedback Example: Maintaining neutral pH in the small intestine Prevents damage to the intestinal wall Very localized response: all the cells you need are there, so it’s fast.