Health Projects in Southern Cone Countries Social Programs Division Regional Operations Department 1 Tomás Engler, MD, MPH
Region 1 Health Sector Projects Argentina Bolivia Brasil Chile Paraguay Uruguay
Region 1 Health Sector Projects Argentina Primary Health Reform (US$90 million) (27%) BA Province Social Investment (US$233 million)(P) Bolivia Epidemiological Shield (US$45 million) (37%) Brasil PROFAE (US$185 million) (54%) QualiSUS (US$TBD) Chile Comprehensive Development Indigenous Communities (US$35 million, US$2,4 million health) (25% / 9%) Paraguay Epidemiological Shield (US$40 million) (P) Primary Healthcare Reform (US$8 million) (33%) Uruguay No current IDB health projects
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Bolivia Epidemiological Shield US$45 million 37% disbursed Chagas control Epidemiological Surveillance Health Sector Reform Studies
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Brasil PROFAE US$185 million 54% disbursed Schooling and Professionalization of auxilliary health workers Strengthening of health worker technical schools Strengthening of regulation of health personnel training Health sector labor market information
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Brasil Qualification and Humanization of Single Health System (SUS) Program (QualiSUS) US$ To Be Determined Stated Goal: To upgrade the health care production complex, investing in the supply & availability of services to underserved population groups.
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Chile Comprehensive Development of Indigenous Communities - Health Component US$2,4 million 9% disbursed Inter-cultural Model of Care Cultural Pertinence of Health Care Strengthening of Indigenous Medicine Improvement of Community Access to Inter-Cultural HealthCare Network
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Paraguay Primary Healthcare Reform US$8,3 million 33% disbursed Strengthening of regional autonomy Excellent professional initiative Improvement of vital statistics Human resource development Procurement & distribution of supplies Infrastructure rehabilitation and equipment Referral system Information, education and communication
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Paraguay Epidemiological Shield US$40 million Chagas and Malaria Control Epidemiological Surveillance System
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Argentina Primary Health Care Reform US$90 million 27% disbursed Human resource development MOH restructuring Provincial primary healthcare reform (La Pampa, Córdoba) Essential drugs (59%) – Remediar Social marketing
Region 1 Health Sector Projects - Argentina Province of Buenos Aires Social Investment Program (AR-L1007) US$233 million Ministry of Health (provincial) Calle 51 N° 1120 e/17 y 18 - (1900), LA PLATA Telephone: to 29
Province of Buenos Aires Social Investment Program Human Development: Infant development units, conversion of food programs into subsidies, beneficiary registry system upgrading, training & technical assistance Education: Increased coverage of pre-school programs, school reinsertion, information systems Health: Expanded primary health care & nutrition programs and centers for children under 6, pregnant women, training of community health agents and technical staff, health and epidemiological record systems.
Province of Buenos Aires
Province of Buenos Aires Population, 2001 Census 13.8 million
Province of Buenos Aires Vital Statistics by Sanitary Region, 2002
Province of Buenos Aires Ministry of Health Structure Instituto Obra Médico Asistencial (IOMA) Organ Ablation and Implantation Coordinating Center (CUCAIBA) Healthcare Coordination Health Services Drug Policy Oral Health Program Informatics Sanitary Emergencies Regional Coordination Health Promotion & Disease Prevention PROMIN Rehabilitation AIDS / STD Prevailing Pathologies Diabetes Prevention & Control Program (ProDiaBA) Genital & Mammary Cancer Program (ProGeMa) Epidemiology MCH
Sanitary Comptroller Sanitary coordination and control Control Central Laboratory Addiction Control Care for Addicted Institutional Relations Administration Health Planning Planning Information Training for Health Professional Training Technical Training Administration Management Accounting Cost Recovery Technical Services Personnel Province of Buenos Aires Ministry of Health Structure
Province of Buenos Aires Ministry of Health Programs AIDS Vaccine-preventable diseases Early detection genital-mammary & cervico-uterine cancer Poliomyelitis Maternal & child health PROMIN
Province of Buenos Aires Ministry of Health Programs Education for Health Oral Health More Life Plan ProDiaBA Mental health War veterans
Province of Buenos Aires Ministry of Health Network 180 Provincial Care Centers (30K users) 77 Hospitals Centralized Procurement System
Province of Buenos Aires Vaccination Coverage
Province of Buenos Aires Hospitals by Sanitary Region Sanitary RegionNº of Hospitals I2 II1 III1 IV3 V10 VI15 VIIa4 VIIb3 VIII6 IX8 X3 XI21 Total77
Province of Buenos Aires Centralized Procurement System Drugs Disposable material Domestic Imported X-Ray film IV Solutions
Province of Buenos Aires Legislation Professional practice Public health controls (e.g., vaccination, food, AIDS notification, toxic substances, cigarette & alcohol sales, laboratories) School health Mental health Citizen and patient rights Protection of patients with infectious disease Drugs Research Administrative (salary scales, procedures)
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