11 Conference of State Ministers and Secretaries 16 June 2010 Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of In11dia
2 PART - I ICDS : Universalization
3 Operationalization: –Reach all habitations (14 Lakh AWCs) including SC/ST / minority habitations & the unreached through Anganwadi –on-Demand (AoD). –Manage the Spread and Outreach with Quality and Innovations: dispersed population, nomads, difficult areas, slums – mobile AWC ? –Status as on 31 May 2010 –Completed: - Nagaland, Mizoram, DN & Haveli –Defaulted:- Remaining States/ UTs SanctionedOperationalisedGoal Projects AWCs/ Mini AWCs Lakh11.62 Lakh14.00 lakh
4 ICDS: Universalization Operationalization : –Delay in sanction (UP, Haryana and others?) –Delay in operationalization –‘Operationalisation’ per se States/UTs to ensure Adherence to the revised population norm in total Certification that all habitations are covered GIS mapping of AWCs to satisfy and micro plan for any gaps Upload a list of AWC locations on web sites of States/ UTs Full coverage of urban slums/ areas with local innovations Address issues of social exclusion Optimise coverage of all eligible beneficiaries
5 ICDS : Services Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP): Adoption of norms Revised calorific and cost norms Morning snack & hot cooked meal for children 3-6 years THR for children below 3 yrs and P&L mothers Optimization of coverage: 729 lakh children receiving SN as against 1195 lakh child (6 – 72 months) population as per AW survey register Quality Age appropriate and palatable Local nutritious and varied recipes Micronutrients
6 ICDS : Services Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP): Management Supply chain - commodity management - uninterrupted distribution at AWC Regularity and timelines Adopt normative approach and reduce wastage WBNP: States/ UTs to give basis and details of requirements of food grains urgently Rationale for not availing food grains Capacity Building & Social Mobilization Supervision and monitoring Mothers’ group and community monitoring
7 ICDS : Services Pre-School Non-formal Education: Ensure availability of PSE kits Usage of Local materials & effective communication Methods used for joyful learning Optimize coverage of children (3-6 years) for PSE Ensure PSE activities on regular basis at all AWCs Assess and ensure school readiness (Section 11 of RTE) & Leverage resources for strengthening ECE Linkage and leverage with RTE Use of ICT
8 ICDS : Services Weighing & Growth monitoring Arrangement for procurement of weighing scales Roll out of WHO Growth standards Adoption of joint mother and child protection card Health and Nutrition Education: Joint home visits Training IEC and campaign
9 ICDS : Services Coordination & Convergence: Health: - Effective arrangement for health related services at AWCs Immunization Supply of IFA tablets and Vitamin “A” Health check ups and referrals Management of severally undernourished - Reflect ICDS related services separately and categorically in NRHM PIPs at all levels - Holding of VHND - Institutional arrangements for effective engagement of health sector DDWS: - Provision of safe drinking water -Provision of child friendly toilet - Awareness on sanitation and safe drinking water
10 ICDS – Infrastructure Construction of AWCs Buildings 80% AWCs Pucca buildings – 28% own building, 19% schools, 12% in community building Tap MPLADS, MLALADS, BRGF, RIDF, PRI, State Plan including ACA, MSDP, BADP, etc for AWCs buildings Construct good model buildings with full amenities Provide adequate space, other facilities and equipments State to submit Action plans for strengthening quality of infrastructure at AWCs by September 2010
11 ICDS: Management Manpower Vacancies: –Large vacancies at all levels in all States –Timeliness to fill up vacancies at all levels Promotion: –AWW to Supervisor –AWH to AWW Dedicated cadre Tenure stability Disengagement of ICDS functionaries from non- ICDS related activities
12 ICDS: Management Issues Fund flow mechanism Timely payment of honoraria Motivation –Additional honoraria by state –Insurance coverage of LIC & other benefits –Proposed Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (possible sharing 75:25) –Proposed pension scheme (Quantum of State share)
13 ICDS: Management Issues Community Participation Replication of Best practices Effective monitoring Training: Cross sectoral, horizontal and vertical integration of training both in content and participation Make STRAP a meaningful exercise
14 ICDS: Universalization Improving Delivery, Visibility & Accountability: –Operationalization –Supplementary Nutrition –Pre-School Education –Growth Monitoring –Monitoring & Supervision –Convergence –Community Awareness, Decentralization (PRI) & Participation
15 PART - II ICDS : Restructuring
16 ICDS: Restructuring ICDS Restructuring – redesigning ICDS objectives, services and outcomes Implementation in flexible mode – different models and institutional arrangements for delivery of services –States/ UTs to submit successful models by August 2010 after stakeholders consultation at various levels & validation Key focus –Reduction in undernutrition; children < 3 and maternal child nutrition –Early Childhood Care and Education Strengthening AWC platform as a comprehensive village care centre for young children, mothers & adolescent girls State /District PIPs with accountability for nutrition and early learning outcome Discussions and Suggestions
27 Mother & Child Protection Card
WBNP States/ UTs not taking food grains: Assam, WB, Bihar, Delhi, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Puducherry, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu Rs4.15 per Kg; per Kg. Whereas market rate – Wheat: Rs 12 – 15; Rice: Rs 15 – 20 Rs 4 for SNP will fetch all most a Kg of wheat and about 800 gms of rice; whereas at market rate it fetches about 250 – 300 gms of wheat and rice. States/ UTs furnished information regarding the basis of requirement of food grains: AP, TN, UP found OK, Goa, Haryana, Kerala, Orissa & Tripura found to be sketchy Others have not submitted – to expedite. Allocation may not be made if no information Total requirement in MT per annum = (SNP grains (in gms) X No of beneficiaries X 300 days)/ 10 lakh The quantum of food grains would vary on the composition and component of food grains 28
WBNP Statement indicating on Requirement, Allocation & Lifting (in MTs) States/ UTs lifted below 50% allotment ( ): Uttarakhand, Manipur, Maharastra, J & K, DN & Haveli, Arunachal Pradesh 29 YearsRequirementAllocationLifting 2007 – 08867,056544,000538, – 091,018,084729,100666, ,168,831967,584757,310