What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? What are the groups on the Food Guide Pyramid? What is a standard serving size? Guidelines for Healthy Eating Chapter 29
Is there a relationship between what you eat and how you feel? What are some of the health problems that can result from poor eating habits? Heart disease High blood pressure Stroke Diabetes Some forms of cancer
What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? Suggestions for making healthful food choices These are for healthy people ages 2 – older. Not for infants since they have special foods needs.
Aim For Fitness Increase physical activity: adults 2 ½ hrs. per week Kids and teens 1 hr. or more each day
Activity: Brainstorm and make a list of ways for you to be more physically active. Draw a picture that will remind you of what the first guideline says.
BUILD A HEALTHY BASE Shift food intake to more plant-based diet. Reduce intake of refined grains. Increase intake of seafood and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products Consume only moderate amounts of lean meat, poultry, and eggs.
Activity: Make a drawing for a poster that will give the student body information about the foods they should be choosing for more healthful snacking. Be ready to share your drawing with the class. (we will choose the best to use to make posters to hang in the hall – 6 will be chosen from the class)
CHOOSE SENSIBLY Reduce intake of foods containing added sugars Reduce intake of solid fats Reduce sodium intake to 1,500 mg. per day Eliminate trans-fatty acids
Activity: Write a Cinquain Poem 1 st line – One Word – a subject or noun 2 nd line – Two words – Adjectives – describes line one 3 rd line – Three words – Three – ing words that relate to line one 4 th line – Four Words Feeling or a complete sentence that relate to line 1 5 th line – One Word – a Synonym of line 1