Earth’s Surface Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.
Our Earth’s surface is made up of many different things.
Some solid materials that cover the Earth are BOULDERS.
BOULDERS are large rocks that have been worn smooth by water or weather.
ROCKS also cover our Earth.
ROCKS are broken pieces of larger stones.
PEBBLES are small rocks. They are found on our Earth, too.
SAND is found on our Earth. Beaches are covered with sand.
DESERTS are covered with sand.
Our Earth is covered with dirt. Dirt is needed to grow plants.
The surface of our Earth is made of different types of solid materials. These materials come in many different sizes.
There are rock formations so huge they form mountains.
There are grains of sand smaller than the red dot on this slide.. Can you see it?
Answer the questions in your Science Journal. 1. What type of materials is our Earth’s surface made of? ________________ 2. List different things that cover our Earth’s surface. ___________________ 3. Why is a boulder rounded? __________ 4. What is the difference between a rock and a pebble? _______________