Adult II Couples Bible Study Immanuel Baptist Church
PraisesPhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurch John HarrisAndrews Family (Argentina) Pyles: sale of homeSunday Activities Jim Farrar-SurgeryJanna and Jennifer (Mexico) Mason Money- certification/job Nehemiah Fund Edna Burns Lynn Lindsey’s step- father
Class Events Church Events Sunday School ProspectsCrochet Classes (10am Saturdays) Benevolence FundPrayer (8-10pm Saturdays) Monthly Fellowships September October November Men’s Prayer Breakfast (4 Oct) Blood Pressure Checks (12 Oct) RA Campout (17-19 Oct) Dinner Out Friday (26 Sep)Women’s Night Out (17 Oct) 5 th Sunday Breakfast (30 Nov)E-Sunday (26 Oct) Samaria Missions Project -Teacher Supply Kits (pencils, paper, red pens, construction paper, paper clips, tacks, crayons, dry erase markers, glue, etc.) Harvest Fest (31 Oct) Vickie Iglehart is moving and requests help packing on Oct and loading 25 Oct
Week No. 39 NehemiahMalachiJoelMarkMatthewJohnLuke
14 Bible Eras
After 70 years as captives, the LORD moves the hearts of pagan kings to authorize the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s temple Three waves of Jews return over a 100 year period The temple is rebuilt The temple is rebuilt The sacrificial system and Passover are restored The sacrificial system and Passover are restored God raises up two men who are instrumental in leading the former exiles in spiritual and practical matters Ezra the scribe teaches the people God’s Word Ezra the scribe teaches the people God’s Word Nehemiah is sent to govern and lead the people Nehemiah is sent to govern and lead the people Return EraReturn Era
Timeline of the Return Era Context 605BC First Deportation 586BC Jerusalem Destroyed 538BC Cyrus Edict of Return 537BC First Exiles Return (Sheshbazzar) 522BC Darius I Begins Rule 516BC Temple Completed 485BC Xerxes begins Rule 465BC Artaxerxes Begins Rule 458BC Ezra Arrives in Jerusalem 445BC Nehemiah Arrives in Jerusalem Wall Completed Zechariah Haggai Queen Esther Malachi 400 yrs of Silence 10,000 deported 3,023 deported Jerusalem Census: 42,360
God Purifies Hearts God Purposes the Tithe God Possesses His People God Purifies Hearts God Purposes the Tithe God Possesses His People Living a life of complete trust in God
God possesses those who worship Him with a pure heart. Key Truth
Malachi 3:1-5 John 4 Matthew 5 Malachi 3:1-5 John 4 Matthew 5 Living a life of complete trust in God
God Purifies Hearts
Malachi 3:8-13 Numbers 18 Malachi 3:8-13 Numbers 18 Living a life of complete trust in God
God Purposes the Tithe
The finances of Christians who tithe (give 10% or more) are generally healthier than of those who do not (results of a broad survey of 4,413 tithers in all 50 states) No credit card debt: 80% No car payments: 74% Own their home: 48% Completely debt free: 28% 97% of tithers make giving to church a priority 63% started between childhood and their twenties 70% give based on their gross income 77% give more than 10% Faithful tithers only make up 5%-20% of church congrega- tions, but give 50%-80% of total church receipts Survey conducted by Maximum Generosity, ECFA, Christianity Today and Evangelical Christian Credit Union
Malachi 3:16-18 Living a life of complete trust in God
God Possesses His People The faithful come together to publicly acknow- ledge their reverence of the LORD (16) They share their belief and trust in God and His word They record a permanent reminder of their faith and commitment going forward God swears to honor the faithfulness of this remnant (17-18) He will claim them for Himself They will be identified with His “own possession” They will be spared from the judgment of the wicked
Nehemiah & Luke(2pts) Bible Trivia Test
Luke (4pts) Bible Trivia Test
Next Week