Pacific Educational Group (PEG) Review Beachwood Board of Education November 2, 2009 Philip H. Wagner, Ph.D. & Lisa Cummings
Recent History of Diversity Initiatives Formation of Differential Achievement Committee (DAC), summer present Formation of Differential Achievement Committee (DAC), summer present DAC Chairperson, 2006/07 - present DAC Chairperson, 2006/07 - present Scholar Advisors, 2006/07 - present Scholar Advisors, 2006/07 - present Pacific Educational Group (PEG) consultation, 2007/08 - present Pacific Educational Group (PEG) consultation, 2007/08 - present Cleveland Area Minority Educators Recruitment Association (CAMERA), 2008/09 - present Cleveland Area Minority Educators Recruitment Association (CAMERA), 2008/09 - present
Diversity Initiatives DAC: Research & Coordination Staff: Professional Development Students: DAC Scholars, Academic & Social Support Parents: Involvement & Support
I. Staff Professional Development Pacific Educational Group Pacific Educational Group Third year of PEG consultation Third year of PEG consultation Year 1: Inservice for Administrators, Supervisors and Teacher Leaders Year 1: Inservice for Administrators, Supervisors and Teacher Leaders Year 2: Continued inservice involving same groups as previous year with inclusion of Beachwood Board Members Year 2: Continued inservice involving same groups as previous year with inclusion of Beachwood Board Members Year 3: Shift focus from district team to building teams Year 3: Shift focus from district team to building teams
PEG 2009/10 Consultation I. Beyond Diversity© Seminar for building Equity Teams (E-Team) Members Introduce site-based E-Teams to “Courageous Conversation & A Foundation for Deinstitutionalizing Racism and Eliminating the Racial Achievement Gap.”
PEG 2009/10 Consultation, continued… II. Site Equity Leadership Development Prepare E-Teams at each school site to work in partnership with the principal to design and deliver professional development activities that shift the culture of the school toward embracing school-wide equity transformation.
PEG 2009/10 Consultation, continued… III. District Equity Leadership Development Work with the District Equity Leadership Team (DELT), District and School Administrators to support and strengthen capacity for equity/anti-racism leadership focused on eliminating racial achievement disparities.
Racial Predictability of Achievement as a Strand of Professional Development Continue to analyze student data by Ohio Department of Education (ODE) subgroupings Continue to analyze student data by Ohio Department of Education (ODE) subgroupings Target intervention to students who need additional support Target intervention to students who need additional support Recurrent theme of professional development activities Recurrent theme of professional development activities
II. Students Ms. Lisa Cummings, DAC Coordinator Ms. Lisa Cummings, DAC Coordinator DAC Scholars DAC Scholars Academic and Social Supports Academic and Social Supports
Students Continued… Ms. Marla Green, 5 th Grade Teacher Ms. Marla Green, 5 th Grade Teacher Ms. Linda LoGalbo, BMS Principal Ms. Linda LoGalbo, BMS Principal Equity Leadership Teams Equity Leadership Teams BMS Academic and Social Supports BMS Academic and Social Supports
III. Parents Ms. Lisa Cummings Ms. Lisa Cummings Diversity Matters Diversity Matters Ms. Cheryl Sizemore Ms. Cheryl Sizemore Two Beachwood Students Two Beachwood Students
2010/11 Projected Initiatives Continue to analyze student data by Ohio Department of Education subgroupings Continue to analyze student data by Ohio Department of Education subgroupings Target intervention to students who need additional support Target intervention to students who need additional support Recurrent theme of professional development activities Recurrent theme of professional development activities Pacific Educational Group Pacific Educational Group Year 4: Shift focus from staff to parents Year 4: Shift focus from staff to parents