Renfrewshire Community Website 9 October 2007
We haven’t got a good webcam……..
… or neat services menus……
..or a complete set of online services
but we’ve had some good results launched Nov 2005 SPIN / Socitm Scottish public sector website of the year 2007 one of seven Scottish transactional sites Internet Crystal Mark accredited good population : user ratio top quartile Site Morse rating but all success is transient
Review of the site build
Review of the site build (2)
Organisational set-up Communcations and New Media team determine editorial content /site structure Web Development Team determine technical aspects of the site departmental authors and approvers provide content CNM team corporately approve content and monitor the development plans CNM team do marketing and promotion work with departments two working groups for project management and technical changes
site build principles navigation: copy Socitm best practice use of LAWS categories for sorting content capable of ‘AA’ accessibility rating Plain English accredited Community ‘portal’ theme ‘demand led’ approach
Site at launch 31/10/05
Socitm audit outcomes rushed site launch in evidence in places short on transactions design aspects commended a ‘compelling user experience’
Development plan used ‘Better Connected - Aiming High’ as a template for our web development plan based on a comprehensive annual site audit added input from the Plain English Campaign and Audit Scotland target was to complete as many ‘Ensure that..’ items ‘consider’ items where possible
Development plan (2) target date was the November audit - a 10 month development plan most work was in the 3 month Aug - Oct period NonStopGov commissioned to provide the transactions we assessed our plan progress at 70% at the Socitm review start incomplete items carried forward into the current plan
a ‘demand led’ approach customer service strategy : continuous improvement needs continuous feedback supply what people tell you they want, not what you think they need
Some improvements to make … ‘we know we can do better because our website users tell us how to improve the site through a constant stream of feedback. This is processed into new web development work’ ‘this is part of a demand- led approach that underpins a lot of what we do’
Feedback mechanisms Neilsen NetRatings WebTrends Eforms - complaints Specialised audits - Socitm, Plain English and Audit Scotland usability and accessibility reviews public services panel selective marketing – best impact recruitment - case study
Nielsen NetRatings
Nielsen NetRatings- feedback
Feedback – usability
Feedback -accessibility WAI Checkpoints Failed/Nearly Passed Priority 1 Checkpoints Failed : 6.3 Nearly Passed : 2.1, 12.1 Priority 2 Checkpoints Failed : 2.2, 3.2, 3.6, 7.5, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 13.2, 13.4, 12.4, 6.4, 9.2 Nearly Passed : 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 13.1
Removing clutter
Removing clutter (2)
The new plan Socitm ‘Better Marketed’ website marketing report annual programme of news and features more functionality more interaction – SurveyMonkey Citizen’s Account - new self service transactions?
The new plan - growing pains resource lag responding to customer demand quickly intranet development ‘done the web’
Technical information IBM WCM content management system Realise plc design Nonstop Gov eforms LocalView mapping Socitm site audit User Vision usability and accessibility audits Lotus Notes databases Plantech planning applications Anite, Swift, …
Thank you Q & A? Nigel Goldsmith Communications and Mew Media Manager Renfrewshire Council HQ North Building Cotton Street Paisley PA1 1 BU