+ Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations July 1, June 31, 2017
The Big Picture… Review MHSA planning efforts & timeline MHSA Program Plan update Unspent funds process and funding update Innovation discussion – New State update and potential new approach
+ Review of Planning Elements & Requirements 3-year plan (2014 – 2017) Based on unspent funds + estimated revenues from State Stakeholder process Representatives from the County’s constituency groups (CCW Steering) Involvement in: mental health policy, program planning & implementation, monitoring, quality improvement, evaluation & budget allocations Draft plan circulated for 30 days for public comment (Fall 2013)
Review of Campaign Structure Four committees/Representatives: Promote Mental Health Awareness – Anno Nakai Outreach and Stigma Reduction—Jennifer Price MHSA Implementation – Janice Leroux Workforce, Education and Training(WET)—Lisa Sloan 2 Mental Health Authority Reps. – Maureen Bauman and Richard Knecht Campaign Facilitators—Katrina Moser/Christi Meng Leadership Team: Decisional Team, based on input and guidance from this CCW Steering committee
Review of Current MHSA Elements Community Services & Supports Community Services & Supports Prevention & Early Intervention Prevention & Early Intervention Innovation Cap Fac. & Tech Full Service Prt. Systems Transf. Crisis Triage Lake Tahoe Ready for Success Bridges to Wellness Bye Bye Blues West Slope(PCF) Tahoe(TTCF) 5 Large Projects Housing Ongoing One-Time (CSS) 75%20% 5% WET
Current Process and Timeline Target Pop. + Outcomes Outcomes& Target Pops. Strategies & Programs Draft Plan Steering Ideas Asset survey Determine which activities move forward New Recommended programs Staff maps To Budget Eval. Current Programs Steering Rec. Leadership Team decisional Gaps AprilMarch Dec. Sept Oct Framework For Priorities Aug “Survey” For Review Process Decisions Funding strategies Sept. Brainstorm Innovation + Planning Innovation + Planning May/June
+ New Ongoing Funding Stigma Update Funding Picture Process
Statewide Dollars Update Need to support the statewide programs Continue stigma reduction efforts Need to consider amount we would support Past amount was $274k/yr. Recommend 5% - 7.5% of PEI dollars or $135 - $202 k for next plan per year
Total Dollars for New Ongoing Process *Note for Innovation Dollars $325k recommended to fund current large innovation programs ($200k PEI and $125k CSS) Ongoing Dollars Current Expenditures 13/14 New Ongoing Dollars Total Dollars CSS$5.2 million$4.2 million$9.4 million PEI$1.2 million$1.5 million$2.7 million Innovation*$700 thousand$730 thousand
Allocation of New Ongoing Dollars Program Area New Ongoing Dollars Add Reduced Activity Expenditure Subtract Activities that are Allocated Annual Funds Total New Dollars for Process CSS$4.2 m$60k$125k Lg. Innovation $380k WET $1m cap fac./IT $1.5m total $2.76m PEI$1.5 m $240k$150k Stigma $200k Lg. Innovation $350k total $1.39m Innovation$730k N/A$730k
Total Dollars for All Programs Next Three Years Ongoing Dollars New Ongoing Expenditures 14/15 New Ongoing Dollars Total Program Dollars 14/15 -16/17 CSS$5.14 million$4.26 million$9.4 million PEI$960 thousand$1.74 million$2.7 million Innovation$700 thousand$730 thousand
+ Process Flow for Decision on MHSA Fund Allocation CSS/ PEI
Current Activity Review Community Review Panel Final Funding Decision CCW Leadership CCW Brainstorm CCW Full Review MHSA Eval Team (county )
State OAC mandated Evaluation Team designed to assure objectivity Reviewed reports of all activities & obtained clarifying information, as needed Reviewed activities, NOT Providers Current Providers of non-renewed activities either requested termination of activity or are aware of recommendation regarding its ineffectiveness in Placer 19 CSS Activities: 18 Recommend Renewal 1 Recommend Non-Renewal 2 Recommend Move to PEI 14 PEI Activities: 11 Recommend Renewal 3 Recommend Non Renewal 5 Large INN Activities: 3 Recommend Renewal to PEI 2 Recommend Renewal and move to CSS 4 WET Activities: 4 Recommend Renewal Current Activity Review (Complete 8/13) Current Activity Review
CCW “Brainstorming” (Complete 10/12) Small CCW Steering Groups with report back Captured in a list form Leadership Team grouped by population of focus and to the extent possible, grouped into “activity areas” Complete list and “Activity Areas” will be provided to Community Review Panel CCW Brainstorm
CCW Community Survey (Completed 4/13) 45 Agency Respondents Topics Included: Mental Health Services (20) 17 provide some form of adult MH Service 8 provide some form of child MH Service Housing (8) Transitional (6) Permanent (5) Supportive (5) Employment Services (11) Job Skills Training/Support (11) On the job support (6)
CCW Community Survey- April 2013 (con’t) Education and Other Treatment Services (30) LifeSkills Independent Living/Youth Development Parenting Programs Substance Abuse/Co-Occurring Services (9) Residential for those with SMI (3) Outpatient for those with SMI (4) Child/Adolescent Treatment (3)
Network of Care Analysis Topics Include: Behavioral Health and Wellness (63) Housing/Homeless Services (27) Educational Services Substance Abuse/Co-Occurring Services (6)
Additional Resources for Community Review Panel Existing CSS and PEI Plans Description of existing CSS and PEI activities MHSA Principles CSS and PEI Principles and requirements Budget Projections =Priority list for additional and expansion dollars
Current Activity Review Community Review Panel Final Funding Decision CCW Leadership CCW Brainstorm CCW Full Review MHSA Eval Team (county )
A Larger Conversation: Reflecting on Guiding Principles Where are we today/what could be improved? Community Collaboration Cultural competency/responsiveness Individual and family driven Wellness Focus including recovery and resilience Integrated mental health system service experience and interaction Outcome based program design
Innovation Conversation Review MHSA guidelines and numbers $730,000 per year next cycle Similar to prior funding cycle Where we are in conversation Trying new approach (similar to last innovation process) Move to decision
+ New Innovation News Current mini grant recipients Can re-apply to Innovation $’s if responding to new question Current large innovation programs recommendation ~$200k These activities will be funded for new ongoing CSS/PEI funds Respond to RFP
Reflections on Innovation Process to Date Started with ideas / programs and then would prioritize and map back to guidelines not working so well Suggested a funding framework Larger grants to support ideas Heard from you Mini grants are what people like Didn’t agree/like the funding options presented, hard to determine when program priorities were unknown
Group Selects one Each program must choose at least one Increase access to underserved groups Increase the quality of services, including better outcomes Promote intra/interagency collaboration We did this/do something else Increase access to services New mental health practice/ and approach Change to an existing mental health practice/approach New promising community- driven practice/approach New promising approach that has been successful in non- mental health setting CCW Group determines Innovation Guidelines* Individual organizations Select Program focus: Recommended Approach *Approach must be approved by MHSOAC
New Funding Recommendations: 2 types 50/50 split of $730k total Mini-grants (50% of funds) ~$365k 2 Large grants (50% of funds) ~$365k total 3 fewer grants than last time Note: Dollar amount includes admin for foundation to administer grant
Next Steps Review Priorities on CSS PEI from Community Review Panel Discuss Any Identified New Issues or Support Leadership Recommendations based on Priorities Write plan for public comment Move to RFP process