COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL STUDIES TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Fall 2009 Student / Faculty 21 st Century Technology Survey
I will be communicating with my teacher via… I will be communicating with my students via… All agree that is the most effective way to communicate. Regardless of the method, computer driven communication will be the primary means of interaction.
The tools that will be most useful to my classroom learning will be…. All agree that students need individual computers, smartboards will be a standard teaching tool, and the internet will utilized for communication.
The tools that will be most convenient for me to discuss ideas from class and research… All agree that the computer will be the primary means of discussion. That means students need computers and then various internet tools can be used such as class websites, , Facebook & WebCT.
How do you imagine using today's technology in the future? All agree that smartboards will be used (not just available in the classroom).
What other technology do you imagine using in the future? An overall theme in the survey results included using technology already available such as the smartboards. Student laptops were also identified as essential.
All agree that comfort and mobility were important elements for the physical classroom space. The room arrangement (casual, not lecture style) and décor (colors, student displays) were highlighted. What would the physical space of your perfect learning environment look like?
What is missing from today's classrooms that you would like to see in the future? All agree that students need their own computers and comfortable furniture is important for the environment.
What limits technology from being successful right now and what might do so in the future? The lack of tech training and usage was the most identified limitation to technology and one that could be rectified with existing resources.
If you could make just one suggestion to CEPS regarding the use of technology, now or in the future, what would it be? Immediate training and utilization of existing tech equipment was the dominant suggestion in the survey.