June 5, 2013. Use of the district’s financial resources is key to the ongoing operations : Facilities Transportation Food Service Staff Development.


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Presentation transcript:

June 5, 2013

Use of the district’s financial resources is key to the ongoing operations : Facilities Transportation Food Service Staff Development Staff and Student Materials Supporting programs that foster ongoing O staff and O student learning and O increased student achievement June 5, 2013

O Alignment of district programs and resources and promote equity among programs. O This process is done annually at budget preparation and ongoing as programs and needs develop. March 20, 2013

O Maintain a fund balance in accordance with board policy. O Budget Review (Annually & Monthly) O Actual (Fiscal Year End) O Pursue supplemental funding. O Ongoing (as it becomes available) March 20, 2013

O Transparent, long-range budget planning process at the district and building level. O Annually O Ongoing O Ongoing review of The District Improvement Plan goals, budget parameters and components with the school board, leadership team, staff & community to effectively allocate and monitor resources. O Annually (Budget Prep) O Ongoing June 5, 2013

O Annually prepare a Citizens Guide to the budget. O Annually O Provide fiscal information to the district leadership team, staff employee groups and members of the community. O Publish fiscal information in the Lakeview's as available O Provide information to Leadership Team O Share ongoing budget work and financial information with Labor Management Groups O Board Meetings June 5, 2013

Evaluation of Progress Progress on Activities and Tasks 4 Excellent Accomplishment 3 Adequate Accomplishment 2 Marginal Accomplishment 1 No Action to Date Actions taken were significant and should be sustained Action has been taken, but needs greater depth or more resources in order for it to be sustained and on-going Action is just beginning to be implemented or not a focus at this time Action not taken this year

Objective 1 – Strategy 1 The Lakewood School District will implement sound financial practices.  = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur Activities and TasksYr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5Comments Maintain a fund balance in accordance with board policy  Maintained fund balance in accordance with board policy for past 5 years and projected to meet board policy for school year Overall Rating School for Financial Health – Financially Stable (as published by OSPI) Pursue appropriate supplemental funding opportunities  Secured small grant $3,050 in support of the Robotics Club from the Greater Everett Community Foundation. Continue to pursue other funding opportunities. Support improvement through a transparent, long- range budget planning process at all levels  Continue long-range budget practice as well as the continuation of communication with community, staff (union groups) and leadership. Currently waiting for Budget Information from the State. Revisit the DIP goals and budget parameters to develop the budget and effectively allocate and monitor resources  Ongoing action item. Collaborate w/ Leadership Team 2013 to identify areas requiring revenues that align with the District Improvement Plan; incorporated information into budget development process Co-facilitating w/ Supt. a comprehensive review of DIP goal expenditures for preparation of aligning resources to DIP goals

Objective 1 – Strategy 2 The Lakewood School District will foster community and staff trust and confidence through transparency in its fiscal operations.  = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur Activities and TasksYr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5Comments Annually prepare a Citizen’s Guide to the budget  For the school year review other districts Citizens Guide to continue to provide community and staff information. Produced Guide. Provide fiscal information to district leadership, staff employee groups and members of the community  Ongoing action item. Published and disseminated Citizen’s Guide to the Budget; linked also to Business Office homepage Produced Summary and links on District Website to share results of our 2012 Financial Statements and Federal Single Accountability Audit Report (pending current Audit) Provided periodic legislative and financial updates to Labor Management Groups

District Improvement Plan Fiscal Domain Annual Progress Report Accomplishments for Overall Rating School for Financial Health – Financially Stable (as published by OSPI) Pursued additional funding opportunities through Energy Grant Pursue Safety Net funding – Due March 29, 2013 Focus for the School Year Continue to pursue supplemental funding when available Clean State Audit Continue to develop practices for long range planning that align to the District Improvement Plan Continue information sharing regarding Legislature updates as they are released June 5, 2013

Questions / Comments June 5, 2013