BL4S Preparatory Meeting 18 November 2014
DRAFT ORGANIGRAM Project Leader xxx Assistant Kristin Project Office Communication & Coaching James Gillies Kate Kahle Project Office Experiment Ariella Cattai Christoph Rembser Lau Gatignon Comm & Coaching Beam & Experimental Setup Infrastructure & Safety Hangout, FB Kate Kahle Website Dan Noyes Q&A Finance Travel TDAQ Detectors BE Detectors PH Software ………… Beam Mechanics Safety Control rooms Computers Vistar Webcam Cabling …………
General information SharePoint: Minutes Organigram Documents being worked on Links E-group for project team: Contact address for participants:
Milestones assigned to:Tasks>>> Timeline/ Milestones/ Student actions >>> Kick-offRegistration Phase > End of Registration Consulting phase > Deadline for Proposals selection of shortlisted experiments> SPSC meeting, selection of winner Experiment complete example experimentDate: Date: 28 Febr 14 Date: list of available components for the students (detectors, devices, etc.) Result: Spotlight/Web site, Hangouts, experimental framework, informed target group about kick-off regular hangouts for answering first questions Result: list of participants with Letter of intent regular hangouts for advicing project teams Result: 2part proposal video&written part criteria Result: Winning team FAQs proof reading of the above documents, putting them together in a comprehensive form for the students organizing the hangouts set up of Website, registration form setting dates for hangouts announcement on CERN website