How companies might deceive you on a food label: 1.Unrealistic serving size - chips 2.Servings per container - muffin, cheetos 3.Packaging - pop tart 4.listing an amount and then having a “ * ” - Mac n’ Cheese see examples on next slides… see examples on next slides…
Label Deception-Serving Size: Servings Size: 6 chips Servings per Container: 20 Calories: 130 (x20) Total Fat: 6 grams (x20)
In a minute, each person will choose a product and fill in a worksheet. Here is what you’ll be looking at:
Hand out worksheet, but not food product yet. Can you figure it yourself?: A&W Restaurant ィ Chocolate Fudge Sundae #2 #1 #3 servings per container (just one for this product, so see next slide)
To be in the vending machines at many schools it has to be less than: < 35% (calories from) fat + < 35% (weight from) sugar ( or no more than 15 grams) Ever wondered, “Is this product ‘healthy’?... Today you will see how to determine if a product is “healthy” for you. IS THIS PRODUCT HEALTHY? 13
Hand out worksheet, but not food product yet. Can you figure it yourself?: A&W Restaurant ィ Chocolate Fudge Sundae #2 #1 #3 servings per container (just one for this product, so see next slide)
#3 If there is more than 1 Serving per container Total Fat x 2 = _______ Sugars x 2 = ______
Test Yourself: A&W Restaurant ィ A&W Restaurant ィ Chocolate Fudge Sundae #3 #3 Is it Realistic? #3 Is it Deceptive?
#4 Total Fat? Saturated fat? Trans fat?
IS THIS PRODUCT HEALTHY ENOUGH TO BE IN OUR VENDING MACHINES? To be in our vending machine at school it has to be less than: < 35% (calories from) fat + < 35% (weight from) sugar ( or no more than 15 grams)
Sometimes the % Fat is easy to figure in your head Sometimes the % Fat is easy to figure in your head Calories from Fat ÷ Calories= ________ Less than 35%?? yes___ no____ #6
Can you estimate the % of fat here?
Test Yourself: A&W Restaurant ィ A&W Restaurant ィ Chocolate Fudge Sundae 15 gr. divided by 189 = _______ + no more than 15? (barely!) Less than 35%?? yes _____ no ______ #7.
BUT, if you want to lose weight- count calories: 6 servings per container: calories 170 x 6 = ____________ !!!! Here is a "generic" way to look at the label information : -look at calories if you want to lose weight (and servings!) -look at fat (total and saturated) if you want to lose body fat/get 6-pack abs! (or if you have heart/ medical problems -look at protein if you want to build muscle Here is a "generic" way to look at the label information : -look at calories if you want to lose weight (and servings!) -look at fat (total and saturated) if you want to lose body fat/get 6-pack abs! (or if you have heart/ medical problems -look at protein if you want to build muscle Good fat example: Total fat is 16 Sat. fat is 1
Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt Homework