Slide 1 NEWSKY – NEtWorking the SKY for aeronautical communications Michael Schnell, Sandro Scalise German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Communications and Navigation
Slide 2 Outline State-of-the-Art The NEWSKY Approach Benefits and Challenges Project Overview
Slide 3 State-of-the-Art Current ATM communications systems in Europe will be completely overloaded within the next 15 years, even if 8,33 kHz program is extended VDL Mode 2 is completely deployed (Link 2000+, Cascade) For passenger communications (APC) a strong market demand on high-rate data transmissions is still expected Covered mainly by satellite communications Re-use of satellite capacity for ATM seems possible if technical challenges (security, integrity, QoS) can be solved Change of paradigms in aeronautical communications is expected Less ATM voice, more ATM data link communication Integration of ATM and APC into one framework
Slide 4 State-of-the-Art Source: Eurocontrol
Slide 5 State-of-the-Art Requirements from ACARE SRA 2020 Three times more aircraft traffic en-route Three times increased airport capacity Nine times improved security Transparent ATM system Actions currently undertaken Europe (EC Projects): ANASTASIA, B-VHF, … ICAO ACP activities FCS and FCI jointly developed by FAA and Eurocontrol Expectation:Several aeronautical communications system for different application areas Missing:Overall approach, integrated network
Slide 6 The NEWSKY Approach Networking the Sky = Development of a global, heterogeneous communications network for aeronautical communications Integration of different communications systems, i.e. ground-based ATM, satellite-based ATM, ATM within airports (A-SMGCS), and ATM between aircraft (ad-hoc network) Integration of different applications and services – ranging from ATC/ATM over AOC and AAC to APC Ensuring that safety critical applications and services are always served in time with the required Quality of Service (QoS) Ensuring network security Goal: Enable aircraft to be included in CDM and SWIM Similar research in the U.S. on network enabled operation NEWSKY – enabler for the flexible airborne infrastructure!?!
Slide 7 The NEWSKY Approach ATM between Aircraft Ground- based ATM/ATC ATM in and around Airports Ground Network ATM/ATC over Satellite
Slide 8 The NEWSKY Approach Detailed NEWSKY work program Develop framework for ATM network transformation Identify relevant application scenarios and service requirements Develop framework for NEWSKY network concept and architecture Design and evaluate NEWSKY integrated airborne network Validate NEWSKY integrated airborne network design Validation using simulations Validation in laboratory trials Overall NEWSKY goal Integration of both different communications systems and different applications into a global, heterogeneous network
Slide 9 The NEWSKY Approach … GEO Sat. Link (e.g. Aero BGAN) On-Ground Link (e.g. WiMAX) Direct A2G Link (e.g. B-VHF) LEO/MEO Sat. Link (e.g. Galileo II) HAPs Network Access Technology Dependent Access Technology INDEPENDENT Access Technology Dependent Access Technology Dependent Access Technology Dependent Access Technology Dependent Network Layer Transport Layer Application Layers Access Technology INDEPENDENT Layers Access Technology DEPENDENT Layers ADAPTATION Layer Focus of NEWSKY
Slide 10 Benefits and Challenges Benefits of NEWSKY approach Increased redundancy, thus, increased availability and reliability Increased coverage of overall system Globally optimized network performance by using the right communication link technology at the right place and time Improved performance and system capacity Increased overall efficiency ATM system completely transparent to end users (pilots and controllers) Modular system concept which enables more simple introduction of new technologies Efficient and flexible utilization of the overall aeronautical frequency spectrum
Slide 11 Benefits and Challenges
Slide 12 Benefits and Challenges Challenges of NEWSKY approach Development of basic networking concept comprising appropriate adaptation layer routing algorithms system-level resource management seamless hand-over techniques Development of appropriate QoS classes and priority rules to meet delay requirements of different applications ensure safety-critical communications Network security to ensure secure communication using authentication, encryption, integrity information
Slide 13 Project Overview EC Project (STREP) within DG TREN Status: Contract preparation Envisaged starting date: Duration: 30 months Man-power effort: 250 PM Total financial volume:3.6 M Refunded by EC: 2.1 M Feasibility study on networking and interoperability between different ATC/ATM communications systems
Slide 14 Project Overview Project partners and involved countries Germany: German Aerospace Center – DLR (prime) TriaGnoSys GmbH Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS) Austria: University of Salzburg Frequentis GmbH France: Alcatel Alenia Space Great Britain: QinetiQ Ltd
Slide 15 NEWSKY DLR Michael Schnell Head of Aeronautical Communications Group Tel Fax Sandro Scalise Head of Mobile Satellite Systems Group Tel Fax